Ch4 - Therapy

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Ch4 - Therapy

I laid in bed recollecting all that had happened during my first day at Arkham. I sure wasn't to tell Sean or not but he would only get more angry and tell me to leave Arkham and my dream job of working with the joker.

I stared at the ceiling in the dark as I felt a pair of warm hands wrap around my cold body.

"What's worrying you Harleen?" He soothed and planted a kiss on my shoulder.

"Nothin' just thinkin'."

"Mind to share?" He toppled over me looking deep into my eyes smiling.

I kept a straight face clearly not in the mood. "Not really."

"Tell me!" He pouted as I lightly pushed him of off me and stood up.

"I'm sleepin' on the couch tonight." I told him.

"C'mon baby don't be a party pooper stay in bed with me and we can mess around."

"I've had a long day Sean." He sounded like a needy girlfriend!

Hopes of me not ever being like that...

"Harleen I swear you're as boring as a rock!" He told me, "But so curvy!" he chuckled deeply as I climbed back onto the bed playfully slapping his chest.

He settled down and I rested my head on his chest hearing his heart beat in my eardrums. "That's my girl."

I smiled against his warm muscular chest and took in his cologne falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning my eyes opened due to the sun light that was beaming right into my face. I squinted and called for Sean but there was no answer.

I rolled my eyes standing up and closed the curtains turning on the lights. My tired eyes scanned the room and I had realized that he had turned off my alarm clock. Slowly I reached for my phone to check the time but saw a note and picked it up instead.

I've had been notified that there was something going on at Arkham so I left early. Due to not wanting to wake you up I turned off your alarm clock, I hope you had a good night's sleep.

Love, Sean

"Oh that bastard!" I shouted and pulled at my blonde locks, "I'm goin' to be late fer work!"

I jumped off my bed still feeling sleepy and washed my face while brushing my teeth. I rapidly searched for a right outfit and ended up wearing a blouse and a pencil skirt. I tired my best to apply my makeup as fast as I could.

I grinned as soon as I got into my car because I had realized that he had left some food for me. Slowly picking up the sandwich I bit into it enjoying my breakfast meal.

The car roared as I turned on the engine and sped away towards Arkham arriving just in the nick of time.

Quickly checking in I walked rapidly towards my office greeting Dr. Arkham on the way.

"How was your night Harleen?" He tilted his head intimidating me.

"Oh it was just fine." I half smiled seeing Sean walk past us and shoot Dr. Arkham a funny but scary look. Pulling at his cheeks to extend his smile as he stuck his tongue out.

I could't contain my laughter so I burst into a fit of quiet giggles and to my surprise Jere didn't think anything of it.

"I'll see you around Dr. Quinzel and now get to work, after all your first patient is the Joker."

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