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I can't take this anymore, I start to cry as I make my way towards Ivy's hideout. It's a slow and painful journey but he said he would love me if I did it...

I raise my gun and aim it at Red.

I just want to die, I don't want to kill her and I don't want to get killed by him.

"He- he told me, he told me we could be happy, we could be together if I...if...I...I must do it, I will...I will kill you." I say as my lips tremble.

I understood this was wrong, she did really care for me after all. But he told me we would be happy, happy without her.

I walk slowly towards Ivy who stands up and looks me in the eyes with doubt. "Harley...you and I both know that gun doesn't work, you didn't come here to kill me. You came here to die."

Carrying on crying I take off my jester hat. Wiping away my tears I slowly say "Pamela. H-help me!" I press the trigger but nothing, I know the gun isn't loaded. She knows it too.

Dropping to the floor I am surrounded by darkness, I know he'll kill me! Poison me! Make my life a living hell!

I can't take this anymore, I can't pull myself out of the abyss...

I am at the bottom with him, he's keeping me here.

He's no man, how could I've been so stupid..

Pam slowly lays my head on her lap as I curl up into a little, broken ball of sorrow and pain.

I try to smile but fail miserably...

"It's okay, no more smiles! Now you cry. Now you cry as much as you need." She soothes me as she holds me tightly.

What have I done to deserve a fiend like her?

After a while of sobbing and crying my heart out I have washed the face paint off and sat on a tree with Red as we spoke about him.

"You know I could just tear him apart for you.."

I gasp and rest my head in my hands "No, it has to be me!"

"He'll play dirty.."

"Oh yes! poisonous acids, the works...He'll cheat!" I tell her chewing on my bottom lip.

"You know I may have something that could help you cheat better."

My eyes widen in surprise "What?" I ask her jumping off and landing perfectly on my feet.

She jumps down too but with the help of her plants "A personal masterpiece! There is some risk but I think it should work. Depending of course, whether not you trust me enough to try?" Her mouth curls up in a smirk.

Pamela Isley.

There are beautiful things in the deepest, darkest places of the world...

Wonders in the abyss that make the darkness bearable.

You are one such wonder.

"I trust you." I breath

And I need you.

"Well then." She smiles handing me a type of liquid in a tube, "Bottoms up?"

My eyebrows furrow but I take the risk and gulp down the weird looking liquid "Here's to ending this circus, one way or another!" I tell myself and throw the empty tube on the floor.

I grab my throat feeling the nastiness of it getting to me. It's bitter, sweet, salty and more but most of all it's disgusting! "Ewww! Hush...now that was...zetsy! Did, uh, did it work?" Tilting my head I realize Red is staring strangely at me.

"Let's find out!" And in no time her soft lips are on mine.

She pulls away smirking "Heeeey! What- what are ya trying to do, poison me!!" I shout pointing my finger to her face clearly terrified.

"Harley, I couldn't if I wanted to. In fact nobody can! Not anymore."


This is the END!

I love you guys and I'm going to miss you guys so much!

I would like to say thank you to everyone of you out there for reading, commenting and voting! It was another amazing experience and journey, I'm glad you had joined the ride.


See you in the next book *wink* <3<3<3 - check out my Harley and Joker book that will be published soon! It's called

Book 2, sequel to my first Jarley fanfic
<3 <3

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