Ch24 - Robinson Park

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Ch24 - Robinson Park

My eyes fluttered open my head pounding as if someone was continuously hitting me in one spot over and over again...with a metal stick. Quickly I snapped out of my dream like state screaming at the top of my lungs "No Puddin', don't- - NOOO!"

I jolted upwards grasping my head, my eyesight letting me see more clearly with each minute I was awake in pain. Shades of green and more green flashed in between my eyes as I realized I was surrounded by greenery.

"Good morning doctor Quinzel." I heard a female voice call from beside me.

I'd recognized the voice.

It's the plant lady!

"I know you! Poison Ivy!" I exclaimed my head snapping to the right as I squealed in pain.

"That's right. I thought I recognized you under that silly costume. You were one of the hotshot young doctors from Arkham Asylum." her voice went low and it gave me the chills, "That alone is all the reason I need to kill you!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Sure! Be my guest! I don't care anymore." I looked around and grabbed a tube with some weird looking liquid in it, "I got nothin' to live for now! Here, this going looks good 'n nasty. Knowin' you, one sip and it's food-for-worms-time right?"

"Not so fast! You're acting irrationally and out of grief. There's obviously a good story here and I want to here it!" She gasped grabbing the drink out of my hands.

Scoffing I scratched my head "Why not? Nothin' like a good laugh at someone else's expense, right?" I cleared my throat knowing it was going to be a long talk.

She sat down on a chair filled with leaves and I couldn't stop looking at her, after all she was a beautiful woman what could I say?

"Well if you remember anything at all about me, it was probably that I was just another no-fun intern doin' my first-year residency at Arkham."

"And that you were trying to convince Dr. Arkham to let you hold private sessions with the joker. Talk about living dangerously." She stared at me shaking her head.

"I was hoping to get research material for a book on the serial killer mystique. I found the Joker's psych disturbing. His dementia alarming. And his charm irresistible! What can I tell ya? The guy just did it for me!" I smiled thinning of the good old days.

"Falling for your patient? Not a very good idea is it." She stated

"Doctor Arkham was furious of course. He had my doctors' license revoked and committed me on the spot tellin' me that I was certified insane! My love for my joker was stronger than their madhouse walls. Locked away in solitary wing deep in the bowels of Arkham I remained ever-cheerful...Convinced that I would find a plan to get us outta that place."

"Is that what happened?"

"Well ye! I knocked out a guard and me and my puddin' escaped. We drove off to his hideout and he tested me, ya know ta see if I was worthy to be with him."

"Huh a test. Right, right knowing the Joker that doesn't sound so gleeful."

I ignored her comment and carried on with my delightful story.

"I went on my first little heist ever and my puddin' was ever so delighted, we set 'a school bus on fire to send b-man a mere message that my puddin' was back in business. And eventually there were fireworks, we went home to celebrate. After that everything' was a pleasant blur."

"He drugged you huh?" She huffed and got up to drink so green tea.

"I'm tellin' ya Ivy, it was magical - a sanctum in the midst of a city gone ding-dong! We spent days merely planin' for the future...but the nights we saved for ourselves. In that time I gotta see the Joker no one knows. Romantic, introspective and while Mistah J's plans were sometimes ruined by the old bat his sunny humor always brightened up the mood."

Sighing I looked around my heart thumping heard against my chest.

"Then just two days ago came the turnin' point in our relationship. Mistah J was tired of always being a puchin' bag so I decided to help." I giggled

"You mean he told you to do it?" Ivy huffed tapping her finger on her chin.

"Batman had gotten into our second hideout and my love didn't like it one bit. I was to distract him form our next big scheme. Sure enough, the bat was there all right, big as life and twice as gruesome. As I knew he was the shy type, I took it upon myself to make the introductions. He had remembered me as the demented psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum who thought she was in love with the Joker."

"Well I don't see why he is wrong here, nobody in the right mind would fall for the Joker." She exclaimed standing up.

"I was a happy happy gal. The score: Clown girl one, batguy zip! My puddin' decided to show his affection to me in a very different way though. It hurt but I knew he didn't mean it, he just has a different way of displayin' his emotions."

"Why do you put up with that clown?" She looked at the floor clearly sad.

"Don't get me wrong, my puddins' a little rough sometimes but he loves me really!" I kicked my legs back and forth as my tiny hands scrunched up the sheets underneath me.

"Sure he does. You're just one big forgiving doormat aren't you."

"I am not a doormat! Am I?" I gulped feeling depressed for the first time in a very long time.

"If you had a middle name it would be welcome."

"He forgave me alright! Yesterday morning I woke up all aglow. Strangely Mistah J was no where to be found. I had found a note instructing me to meet him at the park's old rocket ride. And ya know the rest. What can I tell ya red? I was the classic chump fallin' for the worst guy in the world." I huffed laying back as Ivy sewed my costume backup.

"What a touching story huh? but cheer up kid. You just need some lessons on good old woman self esteem." She smiled giving me some soup which I gulped down felling better already she stroked my messy hair.

"In other words let's play with the boys on our terms.."


Heya guys! So how do like the relationship in between Ivy and Harley? 

*Wink Wink* I can already tell the'll be the bestest of friends ;pp

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