Ch20 - Madness

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Ch20 - Madness

"I love you." I whispered under my breath looking away as I heard the shot.

Slowly and carefully my eyes re-opened to find the Joker still standing there giggling his butt off. "Mistah J!" I smiled as I ran into his arms, him hugging me tightly as he swirled me around in the air.

"Funny joke eh kid?"

I nodded as he put me down on the floor and I looked up at him with my big baby blue eyes dreamily. He held my hand and waved off all the other henchmen surrounding us. "YOU USELESS WASTE OF SPACE GO AND DO SOMETHING USEFUL LIKE GETTING READY FOR TONIGHTS HEIST!"

They all looked at each other and began to scatter down the stairs. "That was awesome sweetie, how you handled those bozos." I smiled as he began to lead me down the stairs.

"Harley cut the butt licking for later ok?" I nodded quickly not being able to take my eyes away from him.

I looked deep into his eyes as we stopped in the middle of the stairs his hands wrapped around my waist. "I love you..." I trailed off.

He didn't respond and when he kissed me I realized that this is what I had wanted all along.

and nothing else..

When he pulled away I was trying to catch my breath, it was something magical, something that made the butterflies my stomach exceed.

It was intoxicating.

He began to whistle and shoved his hands into his pockets walking ahead of me. He was acting like a little child that didn't know what to do after an embarrassing moment.

I giggled to myself and followed him into a basement.

It was amazing how his supposed hideout was in front of everyones eyes yet nobody realized. He was oh so clever. My genius!

"Go do your jobs!" He barked at the men that were still on the stairs and rapidly it was only me and him left.

I chewed on my bottom lip and followed him down a dark and empty hallway. Shivering I knew he wouldn't turn around to look back at me.

We said nothing to each other but it wasn't awkward at all. I felt comfortable around him, yet uncomfortable.

I pushed aside the fact that he was an insane criminal and enjoyed every second with him. You wouldn't get this opportunity very often.

"But this one is!" He shouted out of nowhere.

My brain barely processed it but he had already pulled out a gun and pressed the trigger, aiming clearly at my head. To my luck I had dodged the bullet with a duck.

He burst out laughing "W-what's so funny?"

"You passed sweets."

"I what?"

"We're here!" He exclaimed changing the subject and slammed the door behind me making me jump a little.

Adrenaline rushed through my body, this was way more entertaining than it seemed.

The lights flickered on to reveal a room full of clothes. There were racks of different colored clown outfits and it made me so excited I wanted to jump. "You like?" He asked clearly mesmerized by the excitement in my eyes.

I nodded and realized that at the very back of the room there was a full sized mirror that looked quite old but I still had the courage to walk up to it. I placed my hands on my stomach and gave it a twirl knowing that this would be the last time I was going to see this outfit.

I could feel his gaze on me and it gave me chills down my spine.

Rummaging through different colored clothes and being disgusted by all of them I had finally found one I liked. My blue eyes lit up as he had handed me white face paint.

I gave him a confused look and he smiled "I can see that you have figured out your outfit."

Blushing I slowly nodded "Now hurry up and get dressed! I'm going on an outing today!" He raised his voice that made me gulp and run behind a curtain with a red and black jester costume in my hand.

After a while of trying to fit into it, it fit perfectly around my curvy body and I quickly applied the white paint onto my face. It had stung but if he had wanted me to wear it I would, my face would get used to it anyways...

styling my hair into two bunches and putting a red and black jester hat over my hair. I began to hum a high pitched tune, I was nearly done as I put on a black mask over my face.

I stepped from behind the curtains watching his every move "Say hello to your new and improved Harley Quinn!"

I smiled at the jester costume we had found together, now I was his partner in crime and lover too!

He looked at me from behind amused by his little act. He massaged my shoulders staring into my ocean blue eyes.

I beamed with happiness and skipped towards the door taking his hand in mine.

He really liked the ditz so I decided to play along...

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