Ch11 - Wounded

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Ch11 - Wounded

He spat on me as I stayed on the floor my back against the cold wall. My face, arms, legs and what not bruised once again.

"Feel betta Sean?" I sneered slouching down against the cold wall. "Just leave Sean I think we need a break again!" I told him once again. He tired to hug me but I pulled away.

Shaking my head I took the ring off my finger and tossed it at him a plane expression on my face.

He walked out of the apartment slamming the door behind him.

I picked myself up and collapsed on my bed yelling out in frustration and pain. My nostrils filling with her sent once again. Vanilla...

What had I done?

Hurt the one I cared about?

No. He hurt me!

I shouldn't of spat and hit him, he was stronger than me and every one of his hits were equal to my one hundred.

Closing my eyes I heard my phone ring, I groaned but reached for it slowly. "Hello?"

"Doctor Quinzel it's an emergency!" I heard Dr. Arkham yell through the phone.

I jumped to my feet unwillingly making my way to the bathroom to apply makeup, so the bruises were't seen. "What happened Dr. Arkham?"

I quickly put on my lab coat opening the door to my living room "It's the Joker, he's escaped!"

My fingers ended the call and my hand had let go of my phone as it fell down onto the floor with a crash!

I gasped not being able to catch my breath "Hey Doc you know how to keep a guy waiting!" He smiled weakly tilting his head. My head pounded and my heart hurt from the sight of him like this.

The Joker was now in my apartment, his suit well at least what was left of it covered his white toned body. Parts of his makeup were messy and he was bruised, cut and hurt. He probably had a run in with the bat. His eyes were bloodshot and there was blood dripping from his nose. I couldn't take my eyes of off him, he looked simply...

"What're staring at!" He growled and I bit down on my lip making my may towards him slowly.

"Oh my what happened to ya?" I pressed my fingers gently on his face as he flinched from my touch. My eyes explored very inch of his face and every time I looked at him I fell deeper in. I took the time to notice every little detail he had, his eyebrows that twitched slightly whenever he was confused, just like now, his lips that had stains of smudged red lipstick still on them and his eyes. Oh his gorgeous emerald eyes that had sparks of darkness in them.

I didn't realize but our bodies were dangerously close together and I could hear his heart beat against his chest in a quick paste. He was 6'5 and I was just a mere 5'6. Looking up at him I took a step back and began to take of his clothes.

He grunted and pushed me away. I backed away slowly as he unbuckled his shirt and slipped out of his trousers. I felt a blush creep up my neck and spread around my cheeks.

"'ll get ya some clothes.." I looked away and made my way towards my bedroom taking out Sean's t-shirts and shorts.

As I walked back into the living room I had noticed that Joker had passed out on my couch. Probably from the pain even though he wouldn't admit to it.

Sighing I made my way towards him and placed the clothes on the coffee table, observing him sleep was magical. I walked over to the counter and poured some luke warm water into a cup and took a cloth from the kitchen table. Just in case I took out some tweezers and alcohol including some bandages.

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