Ch26 - Reunited?

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Ch26 - Reunited?

She stared at me for some while.

"Ha...ha...wrong number." I smiled innocently.

She just shrugged and carried her plate to the sink washing it carefully.

"Good cause I almost thought that you were gonna call that clown."

"Ye..almost..." I trailed off scratching the back of my head as if nothing happened at all.

It felt bad lying to my best friend but what other choice did I have? Exactly. "C'mon cheer up kid. Get dressed and we can go watch the stars outside." She smiled walking up to me and hugged me tightly.

I grinned once again with no intention of her seeing me sad ever again. "Do I have to wear my harlequin outfit?"

"You can wear anything sweet pea, after all we are going out of the house and it's quite cold outside." She said softly and I only then realized that she was already changed into some jeans and a green t-shirt that had a plant drawn on it. As well as that she had a jumper in her hands.

"Yupie!" I cheered as I raced to our room jumping up and down.

Choosing a right outfit was key, after all I wasn't going to look awful for her.

I scavenged through the wardrobe until I found an appropriate red and black tank top that would show off all of my right curves and some black leggings. "That's it!" I exhaled loudly and grabbed my dark colored coat that would sit just right. Happily I hopped to the bathroom and began to fix my two ponytails as I put on some lipgloss and some everyday makeup with mascara. "All done!" I said in a singsonging tune.

"Red? I'm ready!" I shouted as I walked into the living room in an upbeat speed.

To my surprise the lights were completely off and it made my stomach flip. "" It was pitch black but I still could see a little as I reached for my mallet that was next to the t.v. All of a sudden I heard a muffled scream and the lights flickered on for just a second. I had the time to handprint forwards and take a swing at a chubby man that fell flat onto the ground. "Who else wants a bite? Or shall I say hit!" I exclaimed and the lights turned on once again.

Red was being held by another man that looked just as ugly and chubby as the one it'd hit with my mallet.

"My haven't you been the busy little minx!" I heard a voice call behind me, a voice that sent creeps up my spine.

I quickly turned around to reveal that the man behind me was."Puddin'?" I squealed loudly and it made him clutch his ears as he rolled his eyes.

He smiled and stretched his hands out towards me. 

"You found me!" I shouted jolly as I jumped into his warm embrace.

"So much for self esteem." Ivy growled as Mistah J squeezed me tighter and patted my head. She was finally let go of and walked over to the couch and plopped down helplessly.

"Boss..we've done our job we might as well leave already.." One of the goons moaned as the one i'd hit began to wake up.

"Hold it in Rocco!" Joker snapped and turned to me, "I'm only staying here long enough to collect what's mine." He sighed dreamily as his right hand rested under my chin. We inched out faces closer to each other and I sighed in delight.

"Eeeeep!" I squealed once again as he swung his hand around my shoulder.

"Harley don't!" He exclaimed in protest as Rocco grabbed her by her shoulders and held her captive.

My eyes were only on my loving sweetheart. "So pumpkin' were are the loots." He pecked my cheek lightly as my heart swelled and we walked into the bedroom.

"Right here Mistah J..." I trailed off pointing under the bed as I stared into his eyes, mesmerized by the beautiful color they were.

He didn't say a word just pushed me to the floor and grabbed a brown bag that contained all of our money and treasure. "Hey!" I squeaked as I picked myself up from the floor. He did't bother listening to me and walked back to the living room as I ran after him.

I felt a pair of strong hands wrap around my body and hold me in place. "No fair! Lemme go yer bastard!" I shouted and tried to wiggle free from the henchman's tight grip.

Mistah J slowly walked up to the coffee table and began to pour out all of our trophies. "Haha look at all of these goodies!" He cheered.

"That's ours you lows!" Ivy screeched making me annoyed at the whole situation itself.

"Oh Pammie I wouldn't leave you empty handed. Since you like flowers so much-" he slowly walked towards Red and I realized what was going to happen.

                                           "Oh Puddin' no!" I interrupted shouting in process but he just shoved my face away.

Slowly he walked up to her waving his long incident finger at her "You can have mine!" He rapidly jerked her head towards the flower that was always on his purple suit that he looked so handsome in.

The gas that was in the flower spread into her nostrils as the henchman continued to pull me outside. She began to cough unstoppably and I couldn't take it any longer, while kicking the bozo that held me in his stomach I raced to help her but Mistah J had pushed me back lightly.

He was enjoying the sight of her suffocating while I stood with an open mouth not knowing what to do.

In an instant she recovered, pulling an act on Mistah J and all of us "'s doesn't work!" She cheered and took my puddin' by surprise as she roundhouse kicked him in his lower region. He squealed in pain and I crouched down to help him but she jerked me upwards and rushed to our room to get my costume. In a blink of an eyes I already had my jester outfit with me and we were in the car.

"Get em!" I heard my other half shout in pain in the highest pitched voice I ever heard him sqeak in. The bozo's raced to get us.

As always, I turned on the engine and was about to leave when they began to shoot at us. One of them got me in the chest very close to my shoulder and I screamed from the bullet that had entered my flesh.

"You idiot don't hurt her!" I heard Puddin' roar as he hit him on the head and took the riffle out of his hands.

Meanwhile Red had gotten hold of the steering wheel and began to drive off. I heard a loud shot and our car derailed out of control as we crashed into a tree. Everything was a blur from then on...

"Halrey!" Red shouted in all the chaos that was going on.

I was half awake and felt someone pick me up, I was losing blood and fast.

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