Ch9 - Date

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Ch9 - Date

Returning home I didn't realize what was going home to, my apartment was a total mess and it had looked liked someone had robbed me but then I had realized that it was just Sean.

"W-what are ya doin'?" I asked as I looked at him throwing clothes out of our wardrobe.

"What do you think!" He snapped his eyes blood shot red and his nose bloody, he had probably gotten into a fight...

"I don't know." I told him in all honesty as he snarled at me standing up from his crouching position.

"You stupid slut! The evidence that you had cheated on me!"

My eyes had widened, why would he? Never mind that, who was spreading those rumors? Gasping I felt like I had swallowed my tongue, I couldn't utter a word.

The tension between us exceeded.

"We're over, remember?" I said in a scared tone as he glared at me.

Carefully I walked over to him stroking his back "It's gonna be alright..." I stroke his back as he relaxed under my touch.

"Harleen just please give me another chance." He began to sob in my arms as I gently smiled. In this fragile state he looked so gentle and sweet, just like he's always been.

"Call me Harley." I hugged him tighter

Feeling his body relax even more I sighed and let go of him. "I'll give you another chance Sean but-" I stopped speaking as I realized he had already fallen asleep.

Nodding I walked out of my room and headed for the living room trying to tidy up the mess he had made. After a few hours, more precisely four, every room in the apartment was clean.

I plopped down on my bed tired as can be and watched him lay there still sleeping. Gently I kissed his cheek and went to grab some coffee.


It had been a few months since I had started with my sessions with the Joker. He was doing great progress but unlike him Jervis Tetch wasn't, his obsession still stayed as strong as before and it was impossible to get him to listen to me. So Dr. Crane took over him while I spent time analyzing my other patients. Dr. Crane had taken Pamela Isley from me too even though I haven't had any sessions with her. He said it would be better because my main concern would be analyzing the joker.

Me and Sean had been on good terms so far and tonight was our date night.

Mistah J, I mean The Joker kept on telling me that I was making the wrong decision by going back to him but I decided to decide for myself. After all who was he to speak? He's never experienced love has he? Was it even love?

Every day none stop joker was rotating in my mind over and over and it was driving me insane and this voice at the back of my head told me that I was but I refused to believe it. 

After all how could I be?

Every time I heard this alarm ringing in my head telling me to be careful, telling me not to trust him, tell me to let go but he was just so intoxicating...

'Madness, Harley. Don't fight it let it consume you!'

I shook my head and put on my red dress going down the stairs to meet Sean who was standing beside his car. Smiling my hands wrapped around his neck our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Our lips moved in sync and I slowly began to understand that his lips were just another pair of lips...

He was wearing a tuxedo and a red tie that matched my red dress. "Where are ya takin' me?"

He picked me up bridle style as I giggled and placed me in his black car. "It's a surprise Harleen." His perfect white teeth showed as I frowned.

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