Ch36 - DNA

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Ch36 - DNA

*recommend song: DNA by Lia Marie Johnson

Could there be anything finer than breakfast in bed with him? Warm croissant, homemade jams and fine coffee... The air smelled like every seaside daydream and the pace of life drifted by rather than marched. This morning the only wake-up call was a chorus of birds that chirped between the summer-claded trees outside.

I grunted and placed a pillow on my face sighing happily as I felt his hands sneak around my body. "Still sore from last night?"

"Mhm..." I mumbled hearing him chuckle and then I was attacked with kisses as he threw the pillow away from my face. They were sloppy but warm against my skin and I began to feel the sickening sensation in my stomach that I was so addicted to. He was the only one who had that effect on me.

When I finally sat up be gave me a crooked grin, "Breakfast?" I nodded and he handed me the warm croissant and some coffee as I bit into it eagerly, "Well ain't someone eager." He laughed

I rolled my eyes and  finished my croissant licking my fingers which had jam on them. "I'm gonna take a shower, yer welcome ta join." Giggling I stood up dropping the covers onto the floor and gave him a smirk.

His eyes flickered with light and he walked up to me kiss my head, "Gotta feed the brats."

My eyes widened in excitement "Ya remembered! and they ain't brats they're our babies." My hands wrapped around his waist and I pulled his toned body closer to mine eager for his touch. "Ya know yer still welcome ta come and join me when yer finished." I shrieked in delight as he pulled me closer into his chest and his lips grazed over mine, he walked out.

I striped down and stepped slowly into the tub, turning the water on high and let it beat over my head in steamy rivulets. Closing my eyes to the water as the heat soaked into my skin, I leant against the cool tiles as my weak legs threatened to buckle.

The shower curtain was ripped back and I didn't even flinch, engrossed as I was with the water cascading down my body and massaging muscles long past cramped.

"Harley." Mistah J sighed, the exasperation clear in his tone.

I cracked an eyelid and rose a brow at the same time, watching him. "Yes Puddin'?"

His concerned eyes scanned my body, mostly the bruises on my body before going back to my face. "Harley... oh, Harley Quinn." I watched him as the water ran over my skin like a caress, how had I fallen in love with this man?  This wilily snake that had twined around my own wolf's heart from the first meeting of eyes.

Slowly, I rose a hand and cupped his cheek, leaning close to kiss him gently. Feeling his hands glide over my water slick body, pulling me close to him and disregarding the fact that I was naked and wet and he was clothed as he pulled me deeper into the kiss. I felt wet droplets reach my skin.

Pulling away I had realized that he was crying.

Bitting my lip I looked at his broken state. "He would hit me, punch me, slam my head against walls, push me around and call me names, putting my self esteem down everyday...I was glad when he died, he was my first kill, but still to this day I can't sleep without having nightmares of him. You see daddy Napier had a reason for this abuse, he said I was the one who killed mother dearest..." He didn't meet my eyes, kept looking down helplessly at his hands.


A lump was forming in my throat, so after all we weren't that different after all. "Puddin'." I mumbled reaching for his face as I lifted his chin up so he could look me in the eyes.

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