Ch21 - A Message

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Ch21 - A Message

I hopped alongside Mistah J, to be honest this was a different world, a criminal world where I meant nothing but being with him changed how everyone looked at me. It was challenging yet easy, terrifying yet nothing compared to the feeling.

All the henchmen had listened to me and had addressed to me as Miss Quinn from now on which just showed how much control I actually possessed.

This was my first ever heist and I hoped with all my heart to not disappoint my puddin'.

"Harley!" I heard his lovely voice rise as I carried a gun and rested a mallet on my shoulder.

Immediately I ran up to catch up with him "Sorry Puddin' I-" 

                              "Who told you to speak!" His head snapped towards me as he gave me a death glare. "And what is that hideous nickname? What am I some sorta kid!" He spat


"Harley!" He grabbed my face squeezing my cheeks together.

This time I didn't speak just nodded as he continued holding my face "That's it, that's it." He let go and patted my head making my heart swell.

He was just nervous, that's it.

"I thought it would'a been a great nickname cause I brought ya puddin' in Arkham all the time." I mumbled under my breath.

"Harley!" He growled

I looked around and had found a white van that was packed with a few henchmen from the inside. Nervously I bit my lip and slowed down my walking paste. Even though I wanted to seem confident, I didn't really like the outfit being so tight around me...I wasn't used to displaying every inch of my body.

It was silent as I got into the van watching Mistah J take the passengers seat. "So where to Mistah J?" I smiled swinging my mallet over my shoulder and putting it on the floor as the engine roared signifying we were off.

"It's a surprise!" He giggled not looking at me.

Throughout the ride I had stared at the back of his seat observing his green hair. As if waiting for him to turn around, cup my face with his cold hands and kiss me passionately.

I licked my lips just at the thought and then realized that some goons were ogling my body. "Hey! Watcha starin' at punks?"

At this I heard Mistah J turn around and give everyone that was sitting behind with me a death glare. "What's troubling you pumpkin'?"

"Some of yer goons were ogling me..." I said in all honestly, shying away from puddin', pointing straight to the guys masked faces.

"Heh well we better teach them a lesson shouldn't we Harley?"

I smiled while nodding quickly. His lips moved upwards as he cackled ordering for one of the henchmen to open the door of the van. There were terrified looks on all of their faces which mad me and my puddin' smile wide.

Outside I could see different cars and the road run quickly with us.

"Now push!" He looked at me as I pushed out a man throwing back my head laughing in the process. I heard how he shouted and then SPLAT "Anyone else!" He barked gritting his teeth, "She is mine! Got it?"

"Yesir!" All of them nodded their heads not daring to say anything else.

My heart beat hard against my chest, I never knew Mistah J could be so possessive. I loved it.

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