Ch35 - Fix Me

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Ch35 - Fix Me

I mustered up the courage to knock on his office door.

A growl had been heard out of his room and then ruffling and I realized he had been doing paper work all morning, lunch and evening. Earlier I had decided not to bother him but he hadn't eaten so I was worrying for his health. The door creaked open "Ya haven't eaten today puddin' pop!", he gave me that look he reserved for me when I was being especially stupid. I said to him, "look, Mistah J, if ya don't wanna talk 'bout what happened yesterday I get it."

"You've changed." He stated simply scratching the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes but remained calm at the decision he made to change the subject.

"But if ya want, I mean I can always listen to ya puddin', after all I was a shrink." I smiled

"And Harley's back." He giggled observing each and every one of my swift movements.

I inhaled deeply and pressed my back against the concrete wall as I slumped down it and tugged my legs to my chest. My eyes scanned my bruised body and then I only realized that he had crouched down in front of me looking down at me with his glassy eyes. I looked at him under my eyelashes and swallowed as he lifted my chin up with his incident finger. My heart skipped a beat. "Being with ya is the only time I've ever been happy." I uttered my right hand reaching to his cheek and stroking it slowly. His eyes glanced at my hand and he gently took it off his face joining me on the floor. His demented eyes twinkled with a sadistical glee. I needed to reassure him that he wasn't the only one with problems as he looked straight ahead to the door that lead to our bedroom.

"When I start to cry, I clutch the pillow to my chest and let it happen. I cry hard, like a child cries, until my face is hot and I feel like I might be sick. I can pretend to be brave, but I'm not." I whispered confessing.

"I know."

My eyes widened and my head snapped to the left to find him staring at me with no smile on his face, "I watch you."

I gulped although it brings some sort of satisfaction to my heart and it thumps wildly against my chest. "I've learnt to run from what I feel." He exhaled, I knew this was hard for him but I had to make him let it go, feelings bottled up inside is never good and besides it's me he's taking to.

"We all carry these things inside that no one else can see. They hold us down like anchors, they drown us out at sea. But there are sailors in our lives, the ones who pull those anchors back onto the boat...if you let me I'll be yer sailor." Tears formed in my eyes blurring my vision.

I hated seeing him like this. Broken. Just a broken man. He'd always seemed so strong. He still is.

"A fool vents all his feelings but a wise man holds them back, you ought to understand that Harls." He smiled fixing his hair as he no longer looked at me. For once we were having a normal conversation, not like we never had any it's just he shuts himself out all the time. My hands reached to my puffy face as I wiped away the tears that had stained my cheeks.

"J let me help ya. In yer words I am safe because they aren't just words. You are there every day, every year. Yer there in the good times and the bad. Even knowin' my faults, of which there are many, you are there to listen, to defend, to love. You understand my anxieties, my triggers and the ghosts that haunt me, drivin' actions that are so illogical to others. In return I'll keep ya safe with my words, my deeds. If ya just let me in. I'll be the one who will always defend you, be honest with you, listen and care. I won't always have answers for ya, ya won't always have answers fer me, but you will never be alone in yer problems and neither will I. So today I will paint ya a picture of my love with words, and then everyday I will prove they are true."

I decided to take the matters into my own hands and stood up walking into his office and of course he had instantly followed me. Smirkin' I climbed onto the desk and swung my feet back and forth, surprisingly he sat in his chair in front of me with a confused expression.

Pretending to fix glasses that rested on my nose I cleared my throat and took a pen in my hands finding a notebook that was scattered on his table. "So Mister Joker what is troubling you today?"

He had burst out laughing at me pointing his finger at my face and clutched his stomach. His eyes were squeezed shut as he sniggered. My heart fluttered and my cheeks became flushed, he was enjoying himself and that was my aim. "H-how is t-this gonna-aa work Harls?" He managed to say through his sniggers.

"Well, if you'd settle down I'd tell you." I grinned displaying my teeth to him as he wiped away a fake tear for dramatic impact.

"So?" He tilted his head to the side scratching his nose, "And please stop with the fake accent, it's making me think of Arkham and that's not sexy."

"Yer a mess and I'll be yer medicine." I beamed

He scoffed but kept listening by putting two of his hands behind his head creating two triangles at either sides of his head. "So Mistah Joker, the ways I'll getta know yer pretty face and electric soul is by-"


"What? Why?" My eyes widened in fear and I clutched the notepad in my hands reminiscing of what I had done wrong.

"You got it all wrong baby, Let's start this over." I nodded and instantly he was in play mode. His right hand had shot up to his forehead and he exhaled deeply staring at the ceiling. "I'm crazy, doc I need you to come here and save me." He straighten his posture and eyed me suspiciously a twinkle in his green eyes.

Oh yes!

"I suggest for you ta cm'ere and I'll fix ya." Bitting my lip seductively I let my right hand rest on my thigh as it traveled up and down the short black shorts that stopped right below my ass.

He let out a deep sexy growl and advanced towards me.

His touch lingered, his stubble glazed my cheeks, and he brushed his lips on mine. His hand traveled the distance from my shoulders to my buttocks and touched them, pinched me. I let out a squeak and parted my mouth letting our breaths mingle together. His lips brushed mine once again. I hesitantly looked up at him. The swirls of emotion I saw there made me gasp. 

Lust and desire. 

However, before I could ponder about it further, he yanked me to him and covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss. 

As our lips crushed together, I felt like I was walking on air. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than I could have imagined and I opened my mouth with a low moan. "Doctor Quinzel..." He murmured and pulled away leaving me needy. I bit my lips feeling the burning, tingling sensation in my abdomen, "I knew I'd have you on this table someday." He played along, "Fix me please."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter my lovelies! <3 <3 Have a great day/evening/night xoxo

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