Ch18 - Lock up

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Ch18 - Lock up
Harleen's P.O.V

I felt bad.

For who you may ask, well for none other than the Joker himself. He had been sent to electroshock therapy and I knew he didn't deserve it one bit except for the part where he backhanded me but I chose to ignore that.

He must feel terrible right now, I've been watching the electrotherapy sessions before and it wasn't a pretty sight at all.

"So Harleen?" Dr. Crane had dragged me back to his office.

"What?" I rolled my eyes

"The evidence?" He plopped down onto his couch and observed my every move making me intimidated.

"Oh...that..." I chewed on my lip and looked down at my feet. I felt horrible but at the same time it wasn't my fault.

"Yeah that, so tell me." He sat up straight as I backed away to the door carefully trying to unlock it but there was no use, he had the damn key! "Harleen?" He gave me a stern look as I stood in the middle of his cabinet.

"Y-Yeah?" I mumbled under my breath feeling like a child that had just been told off for something.

"The evidence." He stood up and walked right in front of me.

"About that..." I fiddled with my fingers, "He crushed it..."

"He did what?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs it was too bad the walls were sound proof otherwise they would of shattered into tiny pieces.

"Yeah...he stepped on the camera..." It was so weird how in my office I felt in full power so I shouted at Jonathan but here it was a different story.

"Agh you're useless Harleen now go! Have a session with your crazed patient!" He threw the keys at me and I slowly unlocked the door handing him the key soon after.

I did as I was told, heading for the door I didn't look back because I knew I would see the Dr. Crane nobody wanted to see. The obsessive man that went bonkers over trying to get things out of his patients including the Joker. This about him I found rather disturbing and alarming.

He loved playing with fear.

Just as if Jonathan had been planning for this all along everything was already ready set up for the session that was going to be rather awkward.

The way he reacted when I asked him about Jeannie and Jack, my questions would stay the same. Who were they? He kept repeating their names over and over in his dream like reality.

I wanted to know about his past, after all it would mean I'd be the first person to find out his real name.

I gulped and entered the room with my notepad and pen.

"Oh Heya doc!" He smiled as my heart swelled.

I guess he was going to be on good behavior today? At least I hoped that.

"Um, so let's continue..." I stared into his dark eyes, he had reminded me so of a broken child that I had to reach in the abyss and help for his and my sake. Almost as if I saw myself in his place. Without noticing I had began to leaning into him.

I pulled back restraining myself and tucked a hair behind my ear chuckling nervously.

"Doctor, doctor." He smirked as I licked my lips subconsciously, "I need a favor."

"Anything um I mean yeah?" I shook my head to get back down to reality.

In my eyes even if he was wrong he was right..Mistah J..

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