Ch8 - Feelings

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Ch8 - Feelings

Harleen's P.O.V

I applied my makeup carefully so nobody would question my bad bruises.

Feeling small and helpless wasn't my thing so I plastered a smile on my face. Putting some strands behind my ears I took off my glasses because they hurt my face way too much.

Instead I put on contact lenses and let my blonde curls drop by my shoulders.

Sighing I decided to put on more perfume than usual trying not to smell like blood. I was glad that Sean was off today because that meant that I wasn't going to run into him, at least not at work.

I arrived just in the nick of time and quickly made my way to my first appointment that was with Pamela Isley.

Walking into the room I had realized that Pamela wasn't there but instead it was the Joker. Gasping I backed away as the guards shut the door right before I was about to leave.

"I-I thought I was going to see-"

"You thought wrong Doc." He smiled.

I tried containing my un professional behavior and made my way to the chair that was on the other side of the table from the Joker. Laying down my things I had realized that he had gotten out of his straitjacket.

He slowly walked behind me my heart beat speeding up and my chest rising and falling. I resisted the urge of my eyes to follow him as he stood behind me placing his hands on my shoulders. "J-Joker."

Damn it! I stuttered...

"D-Doc." He mimicked my high pitched voice as his grip on my shoulders tightened. "You look nice today, is it your hair? Your clothes? Your perfume?" His hot breath fanned my neck as I felt goosebumps travel all over my body. Electric shocks traveling to my abdomen.

He had me hooked in some sort of way.

"Right I got it! You ditched those ugly glasses!" His hands quickly jerked away from me and his face did too. I was relieved but felt my heart sink as he returned to his chair.

I cleared my throat as he stared into my eyes. "So Joker tell me why did you do it?"

"Aw c'mon Harley let's lose the formalities, we've known each other for how long?" He giggled.

Harley, I liked that.

The only person that ever called me that was my dad...

"Dr. Quinzel please." I said in a stern voice

"Dr. Quinzel pleaseee." He taunted like a little child that had just got denied something. I contained a little giggle and tried keeping a straight face but he had seemed to notice. "Smile Harl-Harleen, you frown wayyy too much!"

I rolled my eyes and tapped one of my fingers on my chin feeling the pain sting. I immediately stopped and looked down my smile fading.

"What's up Doc? You look too sad for my liking."

"N-nothing." I stuttered again, damn it!

"Don't lie to me Harley!" He stood up his hands slamming against the metal table.

"Am not." I stood up too trying to prove my dominance, big mistake though.

In just a few steps he was over to me strangling me, his hands pressing hard against my throat. I had no idea why I didn't kick him nor try to get free, I just looked at him.

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