Ch 25 - Our Terms

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Ch 25 - Our Terms

"There is a peregrinators club on avenue 6." Ivy exclaimed as I sat in front of the t.v watching cartoons and eating cereal.

"Mhm and what does that mean Red?" My eyes were still fixated on the screen as I shoved a spoon full of cornflakes in my mouth.

"It means it's our time to shine Harls."

Tom and Jerry what a funny cartoon!

"Hahah! Didja see that Red? Didja?" I smiled at her pointing at the screen as the cat ran away from the minuscule mouse, "Jerry outta get his revenge watch!" I grinned.

Her face was expressionless and I turned back around to the t.v on the most interesting part. The screen turned black and I jolted upwards the plate full of milk falling onto the floor. "Hey I was watchin' that!"

"And I was talking to you." She said calmly

"Oh ye...bout some plant you wanted to get...sorry" I stuck my bottom lip out pouting, I wanted to finish watching the cartoons.

"That was a week ago remember! We already stole it. Just shows how much you pay attention Harley, I'm beginning to regret letting you stay here with me."

My eyes widened "No, no Red I'll behave I promise!" I smiled jumping towards her happily as I embraced her in a tight hug.

"Alright then get ready daffodil, we got a meeting to ruin." She chuckled and I happily got dressed expressing my enthusiasm.

This was going to be our fifth heist already and all of Gotham had called us the new 'Queens of Crime.' It was a name that put a smile on my face.

I raced outside jumping into the car Ivy called dearly 'rosebud' which was pink to her delight.

"Engine on!" She called following me outside with a sack full of something.

"What's that?" I exclaimed pointing happily at the strange looking beans in the bag.

"It's for tonight." She smiled sitting down in the passengers seat as I turned the key left and pressed on the pedal making the car roar and move forwards at full speed.

The buildings we passed and me driving the car made me remember the good old times I shared with Mistah J, Oh I missed him so.

The city was teaming with people, buisnesses, houses and it seemed as though it was too much! The whole area was overrun with civilians. The exhaust from a billion cars filled the atmosphere and that, combined with the sewage from a local power station enfuzed to create the most punjant, vulgar smell known to man. The streets were packed with pedestrians. Shoe soles filled the concrete slabs, in which the monstrosity of a city had been morphed from. Nobody stopped to say hello. A man, looking dazed and confused, was stood in the middle of a pavement; being pushed around by the people who, so desperately needed to get home.

Inside an office block was a lamp, electricity was surging through it, keeping it alight. A man sat at a desk completing his work for the day. His fatuous manager hadn't just kept his body behind work on a Friday night... He had also kept his soul. The lamp desperately wanted to be with his friends, off. In complete darkness where it could finally rest.

"Oh I remember how I used to go on rides like this with Mistah J..." I huffed as we stopped at a red light.

"Mistah J! Mistah J!" Red mocked me, "Change the record Harl. You wanna be some wackos victim for the rest of your life?"


"Exactly." She snapped

I couldn't tell her I missed him otherwise she would tear me apart with her plants or more likely with her arguments of how women should be independent human creatures and how-

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