Ch30 - Betrayal

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Ch30 - Betrayal

It was my turn.

In just a couple of minutes I would enter the huge ceremony for James Gordon with my Puddin' right beside me. Well if him being in a cake counts then yes, he'll be right beside me. Charlie had just gone into the party and with all of my dear heart I hoped he wouldn't mess this up, he would pay dearly otherwise. 

Three knocks. 

That's all it took. 

The door opened and there I was, strolling in with a giant cake on wheels with my hands that clutched the handles and rolled it down the middle of the hall. In police uniform. 

"And I'll conclude by saying-"

Turning around I smiled wide and clear displaying my white teeth, the adrenaline kicked in. I blew the whistle that was around my neck and Gordon stopped talking, all eyes on me. "Don't stop now Jimmy!" I waved at him, "The party's just startin'!" There were cops everywhere, but what could I expect? This was a cop event after all...

The curiosity in their eyes didn't cease as I pushed the cake down the passageway right up to Jimbo. 

"Mmmm baby doll, detain me." A chubby man purred as I smiled at him, his eyes falling onto my short skirt. His legs left the floor as he swung on the chair gazing at me. If he'd only knew what was in store for him, "Hey sugar you wanna read me my wrights?" I stopped right beside him, knowing that puddin' would rip his intestines out. 

"You have the wright to remain silent!" I whipped out a baton and slammed it again his leg as he squealed in pain. 

I smirked and continued walking "Jerk." I whispered his wide eyes following me down the hall. 

Everybody whispered and gave each other looks not recognizing me in this outfit, but who could? They would never expect the Joker and Harley Quinn crashing an even like this. Everyone in the room out of the males wore tuxedos and the woman elegant cocktail dresses varying from the color red to black. The shock in their faces was evident and Jimmy boy kept looking side to side, clearly nervous. 

Straightening my posture I came to the end of the line staring at Gordon who was right in front of me. Lowering my head down my right hand reached up to my hat, I cleared my throat for everyone to listen to me. "Here's to Gotham's commissioner G." I pointed at him leaning forwards on the table, "You lock up the weirdos, the crooks and the geeks. You're a hero to all the boys in blue," A sinister smile played on my lips as I was about to finish my speech," But this time baby the Jokes on you!" I blew the whistle once more giving the sign for my puddin' to do what he needed to. I kept blowing whistle as everyone clutched their ears at the annoying and irritating sound that came about. 

Gas emerged from various placed in the room and I proceeded to run back and grab a gas mask as I gave one to Charlie too, he tried to run away and now his hand was stuck to the door knob. Naughty, naughty!

As the gas subsided everyone froze, except for me and Charlie of course. The only thing they could move was their eyes and the terrified looks on their faces said everything. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that my love would be so proud of me. 

Suddenly, the lid of the fake cake opened. 

There stood Joker in all his glory, perfectly done, slicked back hair, his purple suit shining and his brightest smile on display. My heart thrummed against my rib cage threatening to escape.

"Yes! Another stunning Joker entrance leaves the crowd speechless, let's here it for him folks." He cheered twirling around inside the huge white cake, it was my turn. 

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