Ch10 - Memories

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Ch10 - Memories
A/n school is out for two weeks! Cause of Easter yaaasss! So that'll mean that I'm going to update more often :) comment of you want me to! Have a great Easter all of you <3 <3

I paced around my office not really awaiting my session with the Joker as I clutched a cup of pudding in my hands.

Slowly I took out the box that Sean had gave me out of my bag. I had no idea why I even took the ring with me to work but I did. Slipping the ring on my finger I realized that I was late and quickly I rushed out of my room towards the cell.

"Heya Harls did ya miss me?"

"Good morning Joker how have you been doing?" I sat down doing my regular, taking my note pad out a while later and placing a pudding cup in front of him.

"Have a been a good boy this week? Have I!" I frowned "Sheesh someone's woken up from the wrong side of the bed!" He giggled.

I rolled my eyes and ignored the butterfly feeling at the pit of my stomach. "So?"

"Well ya see doc, everything's hard when you're a inmate here so I wouldn't say great but I wouldn't say bad either! Hehehe! I like the pudding though."

I cleared my throat "Let's continue with your father..."

He opened his eyes and gave me a death stare.

His face was glazed for a split-second and then he frowned, his lips pursed together and his eyes unblinking, at that moment, if his eyes were a weapon. The piercing look in them could have caused serious destruction and like he was a predator and I were the prey it looked like he was about to attack.

In one split second his face turned to hurt.

"You know my father used to beat me pretty badly."

I gulped knowing that feeling very well.

"Every time I got outta line BAM! or sometimes I'd be just sitting there doing nothing POW!"

"Mhm.." I trailed off.

"There was only one time I ever saw him really happy, he took me to the circus when I was seven." He slow stood up and looked at me with those beautiful sympathetic eyes, "Aww I still remember the clowns running around dropping their pants! HEHEHAHA!" he clutched his stomach and hair as I watched his poor injured soul enjoy himself.

"My old man laughed so hard I thought be bust a gut!" He walked over to me smiling, "So the very next night I ran up to meet him with his best Sunday pants right around my ankles..."

I continued watching him in amusement as he clutched his jumpsuit shorts. "Hi dad look at me ZOOP!" He let go of his shorts and they fell as he mimicked what had happened next, "I took a big bad fall and tor the crotch clean out of his pants! HAHAHAHA!"

I smiled widely at how amusing his story was and began to laugh with him tearing up from such joy!

"And then he broke my nose."

I stopped laughing and the tears that were from laughter turned into sorrow.

"But hey that's the down part of comedy, you're always taking shots from folks who just don't get the joke! Like my dad...or Batman! " He clenched his teeth and put his shorts back on.

Then it came clear to me, clear as day.

That The Joker so often described as a raving, homicidal madman was actually a poor, injured soul crying out for love and acceptance, a lost injured child trying to make the world laugh at his antics and there is always the self righteous Batman...determined to make life miserable for my angle!

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