Ch28 - Sweet Dreams

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Ch28 - Sweet Dreams

I watched him lay silently in the dark.

He faced the other way from me but I didn't mind it one bit. He slept on his back, always but I slept on my stomach. For me it was more comfortable that way. At least I could stare at the back of his hair as I drifted into a deep sleep. I clutched the pillow under my head with my hands as I heard him speak my eye lids feeling heavier and heavier.

"How do we know the world won't come to an end?" He asked softly.

"How puddin'?" I mumbled turning my face into the purple sheeted pillow.

"'Cos it's round." I could almost imagine him smirk.

"Hee hee." I let out a quiet laugh as he stirred probably so his head could look at the ceiling.

"That boy...with his frosted blonde hair and designer sunglasses and manicured fingernails. Did you notice?" He asked talking about the sitcom we watched after I had cleaned the dishes.

"Notice what puddin'?" I moved my head so I could breath clearly again.

"He was wearing - HA - blue slacks and brown shoes. Scuffed brown shoes!" His lips formed into a smile.

"..Oh." I said tiredly.

"What a disaster." He chuckled.

"Yes puddin'." I said closing my eyelids.

Then silence, as always. Our nights always ended that way.

"Did you see the shooting star earlier. Jeannie?"

My eyes snapped open at the sudden realization "My name is not Jeannie." I gulped.

"I know that. What do you mean?" He groaned angrily.

"You just called me Jeannie." I grasped the covers and pulled them upwards so that the cold wouldn't reach my shivering body. Everything slapped me harsh in the face when I remembered him saying that name in one of our sessions.

"No I didn't." He growled.

"Yes you did." I said dumbfounded. Rapidly I sat up and leaned over to his ear, "Who's Jeannie?"

"Oh please." He mumbled annoyed by my sudden concern.

"Who's Jeannie?" My voice cracked as I touched his shoulder tears in my eyes.

I was met with a fist to my right cheek and I almost fell off the bed. The stinging pain made my eyes water even more. Quietly I scrambled towards the nightstand and turned on the light walking towards my wardrobe. His face was emotionless as he sat in bed just staring blankly at my reddened face. Carefully I began to pick out the clothes I was going to need to go to Ivy's.

"Oh don't be ridiculous." He said getting up as his frustrated hands ran through his hair, "Where are you going to go?"

Tears streamed down my face "I'm going to Ivy's!" I raised my voice clenching the clothes I had in my hands.

His face turned to rage as he had crossed the room in just a few steps. "But not really." I gasped dropping the clothes onto the floor.

He stared at me viciously. His hands had formed into fists "But not really! Not really!" I shouted not wanting him to hurt me again.

"Best to make sure." He spat.

I saw it coming.

As his long arm extended, it neared at me at an alarming rate and cushioned between the waist and my misshaped ribcage. The immediate impact left a sickening sight on my face as my legs appeared to crumble under the impact. A sour taste remained in my mouth and a look of rage placed itself in upon his eyes.

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