Pierre-Luc Dubois ~ CBJ/Canada (12/19)

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It's a Christmas miracle... (1025 words)


 "Y/N, you need to take a chill pill and get off of your phone for a few hours, will you?" My sibling walked up to me and grabbed it out of my hands, obviously growing tired of my current mood. "Even if he doesn't make it home for Christmas, it's inevitable that you two are going to be together for infinity and beyond." 

 "But, it's our first Christmas together as boyfriend and girlfriend-" I replied back at them before they cut me off again. 

 "And you guys have spent many Christmases as friends growing up." They rolled their eyes before handing the phone off to Mom, not wanting for me to have it. "Mom, can you hide this somewhere that Y/N can't get to? She is on a mandatory relaxation penalty." 

 "I don't want to know what happened here," Mom muttered, taking the phone from my sibling and walked away from the conversation.

 The home phone was ringing all of a sudden and before I could get to it, my father beat me to it. "Remember, you're on the relaxing penalty..." He smirked at me before speaking with the caller. "Hello, this is D/N here. Who am I speaking with?" 

 "Mr. L/N, it's Pierre's teammate on Team Canada, Dylan, Dylan Strome. Is it okay if I spoke with Y/N for a few minutes?" An unfamiliar person to my dad spoke on the other line, but I knew who he was. Pierre's teammate from Team Canada. Dad looked at me in a worried expression before handing the phone to me. Grabbing the phone from him, I headed upstairs into the main bedroom for some privacy.


"Y/N, are you there?" Dylan spoke once again from the other side, not sure if I had gotten the phone or not. 

 "Yeah, it-it's me, Dyl. Why did you call me all of a sudden?" I crossed my arms across my chest, confused why he was calling me. 

 "I tried to text and call your phone several times, but you weren't picking it up. I need you to come to the hospital." 

 "W-what happened, Dylan?" 

 "It's about Pierre... He got hit real bad during practice...." 

 "How bad are we talking?" 

 "We're talking a head-on collision bad and he's in a coma...." 

 "Oh my God. What hospital is he admitted to?" 

 "It's the one a few blocks away from the arena. Hurry please." His voice cracked towards the end, causing me to hang the call up. Setting the phone down on the dresser, I paced back and forth multiple times before finally walking out of the bedroom.


"Mom, where did you hide my phone?" I walked up to her, a look of worry and sadness evident in my eyes. "I got called up for an emergency and I need to go." 

 "It's over by the coffee table." She pointed towards the table, making my father grab it in his hands and he handed it to me. "Go, Y/N. We'll be there in an instant when you call us." 

 "Thanks, Mom. Thank you, Dad." I kissed their cheeks before getting dressed in my winter outerwear stuff and headed out the door. 


"Oh, you're here!" Dylan stood up from the waiting area chair, pausing his nail biting for a moment. "His condition's still the same. There's a high chance that he might wake up, but the doctor wants to wait before any major decisions are to be made." I nodded my head, tears starting to well up in my eyes. 

I wasn't ready to lose him, my best friend, my boyfriend, my soul mate. 

 "You need a hug, Y/N?" Dylan mumbled, opening his arms out. In response, I nodded at him and he walked up to me; his 6'3" frame towering over my body. He had me in a bear hug, running his hand up and down my upper back as a way to try to comfort me. 

 "Thank you for being here, Dyl." I sniffled, looking up to his brown eyes, smiling at him. 

 "I know you two are in love." He smiled back down at me before nudging me towards Pierre's hospital room. "Go and spend the night with him, Y/N."


"Pierre, I know you're listening. I heard about what happened in practice with Team Canada and the head-on collision. I know you're there. I remember the day we first met in the old days, when my family moved into the house across the street from your family. I remember all the times we spent at the ice rink; you practicing becoming a hockey player and I figure skating for fun. I remember all the games I was there for, cheering you on, win or lose," I chuckled as tears started to flow down my cheeks. "It's our first Christmas as boyfriend and girlfriend and we're spending it in the hospital."  

I heard the heart rate monitor starting to flat line a little bit, causing the Niagara Falls of tears to flow down my cheeks. "No, this isn't happening, is it? I never got the chance to say I love you. I. Am. In. Love. With. You. Pierre-Luc Dubois. Please, don't give up just yet." I tightly squeezed his pale and limp hand, hoping for a miracle, when I heard the monitor go back to its normal stage and the hand tightly squeezed back. 

 "I love you too, Y/N," Pierre spoke in a hoarse voice, smiling gracefully at me. 

 "Oh my God, you didn't give up," I smiled in relief, before realizing, "it's a Christmas miracle!" 

 "I could never give up on us, Y/N." 

 "I knew you wouldn't, Pierre." 

 "Hey, is everything alright in here?" Dylan's head peeked up from the door, looking at Pierre and I interacting. "It's a Christmas miracle after all!"


This was not meant to be emotional, but I notice that I write a lot of cute and fluffy imagines... And I wanted to switch things up a little bit by writing emotional stuff for once. Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! Have a GREAT rest of your day or night and I'll see you later!

- Priya 😀

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