Noah Hanifin ~ CAR

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New Year's Eve with the niece and nephew... (831 words)


"Shhh, it's okay, Grayson. Aunt Y/N is here, don't worry." Immediately, as soon as his cries started to ring around the apartment, I dashed to the guest room to find him crying his eyes out. I don't blame him; it's a new environment and to top it all off, it was New Year's Eve. My sibling had dropped the twins off earlier in the evening. They and their spouse had to go to a NYE party and they haven't had some alone time since the twins were born; I was more than happy to babysit them for the night. All of a sudden, my phone started to go off, ringtone sounding and the vibration buzzing in my pocket. Which, if I may add, woke Elena up from her nap and she also started to wail loudly.

Grabbing the phone out of my pocket, I pressed the call button to talk with the person who was trying to call me. "Hello," my voice was tired and weary, needing some assistance with taking care of the twins.

"You alright there, Y/N?" A familiar Boston-accented voice spoke up on the other line, chuckling into the microphone.

"Sorry, Noah," I balanced the phone between my shoulder as I tried to calm both Grayson and Elena down from their crying fits, "I'm just a little preoccupied here..."

"...Taking care of Grayson and Elena, I see." Noah smirked as he leaned against the door, his arms crossed over his chest. How did he know? He took the phone from his ear and hung up the phone call, before putting it away into his pocket. Walking over to where the cribs were situated, he picked Elena up from her crib into his strong, muscular arms, rocking her back and forth in a calming and steady manner.

"Shh, Elena, it's going to be alright. Your Aunt Y/N and Uncle Noah are here to save you and your brother," Noah quietly whispered to her, rubbing his thumb across her tear-stained cheeks.

I looked down at Grayson to find him calmed down, but he wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. However, I did smell something foul coming from him, damn it. He needed to have his diaper changed...

"Noah, honey, I'm just going to get Grayson's diaper changed. Can you handle being with Elena for like 5-10 minutes?" I grabbed Grayson's diaper bag up from the floor, heading to the door before turning around and faced him. He nodded his head and ushered me out of the room.


"I'm so lucky that I've met your aunt last year. She's the nicest person I've ever known, besides Eichs, and I know for a fact that I truly love her. She and I have had our hearts broken many times by other people..." I heard Noah speak to Elena as I walked up to the guest room, not wanting to ruin the special moment, but instead wait outside the room and eavesdrop on the conversation. "...But, I never want to nor will I ever, want to hurt her in any way. If I did, I would fight for her. I would do anything I could to save the relationship if I ever hurt her. Sometime in the future, for sure, I want to marry her. I have to plan a proposal first. But, Elena, trust me. You and Grayson are so blessed and lucky to have Y/N as your aunt," By then, I thought it was time to enter the room, wanting to feed Grayson a bottle before putting him down to sleep. "And you both are blessed and lucky to have Noah as your uncle. And I'm blessed and lucky to have him as my boyfriend."

"Y-you heard all that, Y/N?" Noah flushed pink in the cheeks as he set Elena down in her crib, flustered as he thought that I didn't hear the things he had said.

"Of course, I did," I quietly laughed to myself as I set Grayson down in his crib before turning around to face him. "And just so you know, I'll love you forever and always."

"I love you too," he chuckled to himself, his blue eyes sparkling from the moonlight as they were looking into my E/C eyes. "And, speaking of New Year's...5...4...3...2...1..."

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, kissing me in a passionate yet sweet way, like he was afraid to let me go.

"Marry me."


"I have the ring in my pocket, but, will you marry me?"

He grabbed the classic velvet box from his pocket, opening it up and kneeled down on one knee, still holding it in his hand.

"Will you do me the honors of becoming Mrs. Hanifin?"


2 more days for Christmas to arrive and then, before we know it, 2016 is over and 2017 is here! It's unbelievable! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! Have a GREAT rest of your day/night and I'll see you later!

- Priya 😀

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