Martin Jones ~ SJS

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First night out as parents gone wrong..? (1115 words)


"Don't worry about it, Y/N." Her husband, Martin, smiled at her as she looked at him as if he was going crazy. "I've got two of the most professional babysitters in the world coming over to watch little Connor," he tickled his 7-month-old son's body as giggles bubbling out of his mouth.

"You got Brent and Chris coming over tonight, don't you?" She looked at him as she finished dressing Connor up in his onesie and kissed him on the forehead.

"I can't confirm nor deny that statement," Martin mumbled in a low tone, avoiding eye contact with Y/N. Rolling her eyes at him, she focused on her son for a few moments, making silly faces at him to keep him smiley and cheery before they were out for the night.

"And speaking of which," Y/N spoke up as she heard the doorbell ring, causing Martin to rush down the stairs to greet the babysitters for the night and Y/N followed behind him with Connor in her arms.

"Uncle Brent and Uncle Chris are here! Where's little Connor?" Brent and Chris walked through the door in a triumphant manner before looking at the little baby. "Aww, you are so adorable, yes you are!"

Y/N handed him off to Brent in a gentle manner before looking up to her husband's teammates with a stern expression. "I expect you guys to be well-behaved tonight. The bottles of milk are in the kitchen if he ever gets hungry, he likes the sweet potato baby food if you can't find the milk bottles. If he starts to cry and he isn't hungry nor wet, try playing peek-a-boo with him." Martin walked up behind and placed his arms around her waist, "just call us if something does come up. You'll be a good boy tonight, won't you Connor?" He cooed at his son before kissing him on the forehead and Y/N placed a kiss on his cheek before saying their goodbyes and left the house for the night.


"What are we going to do?" Chris winced as he put the band-aid on his teammate's son, not wanting to get in trouble with what had just happened.

"We could just not tell them what happened," Brent shrugged his shoulders, drinking a glass of water.

"I'm pretty sure that they're going to find the band-aid on Connor's forehead!" Chris hissed at Brent before looking down at the now content baby. "What are we supposed to tell them? Oh, your son accidently crawled into your coffee table and has now scratched himself on the forehead. Is that what we have to do!"

"We have got to be honest with them, Chris!" Brent sputtered, looking at Chris in astonishment. "They're Connor's parents after all. They do deserve to know. Unless..."

"Unless what, Brent?"

"By chance, do you think a bucket hat will fit his head just fine?"


"I had a fun time tonight, Martin, we really needed a night of just relaxation." Y/N sighed blissfully as they were on their drive from the restaurant and back to their house. "As much as I love our son, it does get tiring from time-to-time and I'd be ready to rip my hair off."

"We definitely want to be sane and not lose our minds," Martin chuckled at his wife's statement whilst having a grip on the steering wheel. "But, I just want to say thank you, Y/N, for everything you do for both Connor and I. Even though I have a hectic work schedule, you still put up with me and unconditionally love me. And I love our little family, I think having Connor was the best thing that ever happened to us. I love being a father and I can't thank you enough for granting me this wish. You are the most perfect wife and mother in the whole world and I love you and Connor."

"And you are the most perfect husband and father in the whole universe, Martin." She giggled, placing a kiss on his stubbled cheek. "I love you and Connor, too."


"We're home!" Martin and Y/N walked in through their front door to find Brent and Chris fumbling with the bucket hat on Connor's head. Immediately, they started to get suspicious and the two teammates knew that they had no choice but to confess what had happened earlier in the night.

"Was everything alright tonight, Brent?" Martin looked at his teammate for answers as Y/N carefully took Connor from Chris' arms and took him upstairs for sleep before coming back downstairs to hear what happened.

"For the most part," Brent nodded his head at the question. "Yeah, everything was alright."

"Really? Cause I took the hat off before I put Connor down for bed and I found a band-aid on his forehead?" Y/N crossed her arms across her chest, looking at the two for more clarification. "You guys want to tell Martin and I what happened?"

"...He may have accidentally crawled into the coffee table and scratch himself on his forehead?" Chris answered the question as he scratched the back of his neck in an awkward manner.

"That's it?" Martin looked at Chris with both worry and relief, "that's all that happened?"

Brent nodded his head, "that was the only downside of the night. Other than running out of diapers, but we solved the issue by me running off to the grocery store and getting the diapers and Chris was home alone with Connor. Otherwise, it was a pretty good night."

Chris nodded at Brent's statement before looking back at Y/N and Martin. "I had a fun time babysitting Connor tonight, but if you can excuse me, I think I hear my bed calling my name." He and Brent said their goodbyes before exiting the house and went back to their houses.

"I'm glad that Connor wasn't injured badly," Martin sighed in relief as his shoulders sagged and I looked up at my husband, who was taller than me as he was 6'4" and I was _'_". "I couldn't forgive myself if something worse happened to you or him."

"He's going to be fine, Martin," she smiled softly at him before pulling him in for a kiss as a way to calm his nerves down. "I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N."


Second update of the night! Yay! This one took me 50 minutes to write, but that's fine with me; it takes me somewhere between 30-60 minutes to crank one of these out and 5-10 minutes on Tumblr to find the gif for the certain player. Anyways! Hope you enjoy this imagine, have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later!

- Priya 😀

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