André Burakovsky ~ WSH

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A double date with hockey and baseball... (1003 words) 


"How long is it until they're going to show up?" Y/N muttered under her breath as she continued to stare at the screen of her smartwatch. She looked at her friend, Priya, who was staring at her iPhone screen. Priya looked up from her phone to answer Y/N's question, remembering what he had said to her the day before. The two were on a double date with their athlete boyfriends, who were André and Max.

"I'll vouch for Max and say that he was on the phone with his mom, who lives back in Berlin, for the past one and a half hours. He's probably about to get ready for the dinner. I got ready a little bit earlier than him and he told me that he'll meet us here." Priya shrugged her shoulders, putting her phone away in her purse and crossed her arms across her chest. "Speaking of which, when did André say he was going to come?"

"As soon as he finds the perfect tie to go with his dress shirt," Y/N rolled her eyes, "which should take about 15 minutes, at the maximum."

Priya nodded her head, skimming through the menu, deciding what to order for the night. "What are you thinking about ordering for the night?"

"Before we get to that," Y/N pointed her finger to two somebodies who were walking up to their table, "I think our dates have arrived earlier than we have expected!"

"Before we get to that," Y/N pointed her finger to two somebodies who were walking up to their table, "I think our dates have arrived earlier than we have expected!"

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"Haha, very funny, Y/N

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"Haha, very funny, Y/N. You are such a comedian." André mumbled to himself sarcastically as he took his seat next to Y/N and Max took his next to Priya. He took a menu from the pile set up in the center of the table and started to read through it.

"I think I'll order the spaghetti and meatballs... What about you guys?" Priya whispered as she set down the menu in front of her and took a sip from her glass of water.

"I'm contemplating ordering between the pappardelle bolognese or the bistecca alla pizzaiola." Y/N replied to her question, but added one more item, "or maybe the insalata de cesare?"

"I think I'm going to order the lasagne della nonna," André set down his menu and thought about it for a moment before nodding his head. "Yep, that's what I'm ordering."

"The vitello chop scottato sounds pretty appetizing," Max nodded his head as his response, before like everyone else, set his menu down in front of him. "I think we all know what we want to order for the main course of the night."


"Oh my god, the food was delicious... I can't have another bite yet my inner-self wants another bite of the pasta...." Y/N groaned as she tried to bring the fork up to her mouth, but couldn't set her heart on eating more.

"Should we order dessert before we go?" Max and André chimed in, their plates already empty and licked clean. Priya just finished her pasta dish she ordered and she nodded her head in agreement with André and Max.

"Yeah, dessert sounds pretty good right now," Priya smiled at the group as she set down her knife and fork near the plate. "Y/N, do you want to order something for dessert?"

"Eh, I was just about to be finished with my dinner anyways," Y/N shrugged her shoulders and set her utensils near the plate. "I, however, am ready for dessert time!"


"Ok, I am now officially stuffed up to the top of my stomach," André groaned as he set down his spoon in the bowl, not being able to eat any more of the chocolate gelato that he shared with Y/N.

"So am I," Y/N agreed with André as she set down her spoon in the same bowl.

Max and Priya, on the other hand, were just about to finish their tiramisu, just one corner left to chow down on. But even before they blinked their eyes, the last piece of the tiramisu was gone and the plate was empty and clean.

André and Y/N were both shocked and amazed that they could finish the plate of tiramisu and on top of that, their pasta dishes all under 3 hours.

"Alright, I am now officially full after all the food I have eaten," Priya groaned, setting down her fork down and looked over at Max, who looked as he was about to enter a food coma.

"I am done with eating food for the rest of the night," Max agreed with the rest of the group, pushing the plate up towards the center of the table. "This was a fun night, I enjoyed it very much. However, the coach is probably not going to be happy that I gained a few extra pounds."

"I think we all needed a cheat day today and this was a perfect time to do so, as Valentine's Day has passed by and romance is still somewhat in the air." André nodded his head in agreement, before kissing Y/N on the cheek. "And I think Max and I are lucky to be in love with beautiful, funny, and intelligent women; I love you so much, Y/N."

"I love you too, André," Y/N smiled back at her boyfriend before she pulled him in for a kiss.

"I love you too, Max," Priya grinned ear-to-ear and planted a kiss on his cheek before he pulled her in for a kiss.

What a double date post-Valentine's it had been...


It's been a busy week and I am thankful that the weekend is upon us! If you might've been wondering, what had happened to me over the past few days, I have been dealing with strep throat... But, I've been on antibiotics since Tuesday, I'm starting to feel better, and I've been back at school since yesterday; since I was off on Tuesday. Anyways, I should stop rambling and end this long conclusion! Hope you enjoyed the imagine; have a GREAT rest of your day/night; see you later! Bye!

- Priya 😀

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