Anthony Beauvillier ~ NYI

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"Wait, that was your handwriting?" (1122 words)


"Ok, seriously, Anders, I don't need your matchmaking skills to help me find a boyfriend," she rolled her eyes at him as she took a sip of her water. He, on the other hand, pushed the note towards her, wanting her to read it.

"Just give him a chance, please?" Anders begged and pleaded, wanting her to be happy, "I really think he is the perfect match for you."

"Oh, alright! Fine, I'll go on a date with him," she sighed, wanting his whining to stop. Anders handed her the note from Anthony, but to her surprise, she couldn't decipher anything out of it. "What am I supposed to do with this? I can barely understand it, Anders!"

"Wait, let me see," he beckoned as Y/N handed him back the note and read it before cringing internally, "oh, yeah... That is not good penmanship. How about I send him a quick text and ask him for the date information?"

"That'd be a great idea, thanks," she took the note back from him and took one more shot at deciphering the note, but alas, she gave up.

"Alright, he wants you to meet him at the French restaurant on East 65th Street at 7:00." Anders set his phone down on the table before looking up at the clock in front of him, "and it's 4:00 right now."

"Yeah, so?" Y/N shrugged in a casual manner before realization struck, "isn't that all the way in NYC though?"

Anders nodded his head, electing to stay quiet and Y/N spoke up once again, "and, isn't it a fancy French restaurant?" Once again, he nodded his head and Y/N quickly gathered her personal items, rushing to get out of there. "Well, this was certainly an interesting time. I'll talk to you after the date, I promise."


Y/N sat down at the reserved table, fiddling with her hands as she patiently waited for her date to arrive. She saw the door open and a handsome man entered the building, wearing a suit and everything. His brown hair was in a quiff, which kind of looked a bit messy, but nonetheless, he still looked like someone out of a rom-com.

"Bonjour," he spoke in French and smiled as he speed-walked up to the table, "I am so sorry that I'm late! Traffic was quite busy on my way from Brooklyn and there was someone who kept honking behind me and all that."

"I hate to admit it," Y/N smiled up at him and motioned for him to sit down, "but, I think I was the person who kept honking at you."

He blushed, his cheeks turning hot and red, and quietly laughed, "well, there was no harm done. And, I'm such an idiot for not doing this, but my name's Anthony."

"I'm Y/N," she nodded as she shook his hand for quite a while before letting go, "it's very nice to meet you, Anthony. I heard quite a lot about you from Anders."

"Anders, he is quite something, isn't he?" Anthony smiled as his light crystal blue eyes lighted up.

"Tell me about it," she smiled back at him, "he's goofy at times, but at the end of the day, he's a good idea. Well, he is my cousin after all."

"You're his cousin who permanently moved to New York because of transferring colleges?" Anthony asked as he was reminded of something Anders told him.

Y/N nodded her head as she took a sip from her glass of water, "yep, that'd be me. Yeah, I moved to New York because I just wanted to be near the city and I wanted to be somewhere I was happy."

"Well, how's New York been for you?" Anthony asked as he skimmed through the menu before he decided what he wanted to order.

"I've been enjoying very much, it is a bit different than Minnesota, I'll say that." She softly chuckled to herself as she also read through the menu before deciding what she wanted to order for the night. "The only negative is that I miss my family back in Minnesota from time to time."

"I know the feeling of missing your family when you're miles away from them, but you're achieving the dream you've always wanted to accomplish," Anthony weakly smiled as he answered back, "my family live back in Quebec and I feel like I'm the luckiest guy to have them support my hockey career."

She nodded her head and genuinely smiled at him as she continued to hear him speak, interested in what he was speaking about.


"Well, I had a wonderful time tonight," Anthony smiled for what seemed like the millionth time as he peered over the bill, grabbing the pen and signed his signature.

Y/N looked down at the bill and realized he was the one who wrote the note, of course!

"Wait, did you give Anders a note to give to me?" She looked confused as her E/C eyes looked into his crystal clear blue eyes. He nodded his head slowly, which made Y/N smile, "Was that your handwriting?"

"Yeah, I know, it's not very legible, to be honest," he chuckled to himself as he reached across the table and held Y/N's hand in his.

"I know, it's like chicken scratch," she laughed, which made both of them blush. "But, all jokes aside, I'd love a second date if that's what you're asking."

"Wonderful," his eyes shined with happiness, "does Starbucks on Monday afternoon sound alright with you?"

"I'd love that very much, Anthony," she smiled at him as she got up from her seat and Anthony walked next to her to the parking lot.

"Well, I'll see you on Monday then," she smiled as she leaned against the car door, looking up at him.

"Wait," Anthony spoke up and he was acting shy and flustered, "is it alright if I kissed you?"

She nodded her head and immediately, they both leaned in until their lips met each other and they kissed for the first time. It was a bit sloppy, but it was still gentle and sweet and they took it slow.

"I think we should thank Anders for setting this up," Anthony smiled as soon as he pulled away from the kiss, which made Y/N laugh.

"We definitely should," she agreed with him before she brought him in for another kiss. 


Wooo! That's a long one, indeed, but I don't regret it. Up tomorrow is P.K. Subban and the part two of the Brendan Gallagher series!  Alright, it's late and I haven't eaten my dinner yet, so... I hope you enjoyed the imagine; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later!

- Priya 😀

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