Juuse Saros ~ NSH

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"Y-You look... You look very beautiful." (620 words)


"Y/N, how many more minutes do you need?" Juuse yelled up the stairs as he checked his watch for the umpteenth time.

"I'm almost done," Y/N yelled back with her response as she started to slip her heels on, "I just have to put my heels on and then I should be good to go!"

Juuse nodded to himself as he leaned against the wall behind him and stared at the wall clock in front of him, waiting for the time to pass. He looked up from the boring clock as soon as he heard the clacking sound of Y/N's heels make their way down the stairs. He was mesmerized by his girlfriend's beauty as she made her way down, which made her chuckle.

"Cat got your tongue there, honey?" She laughed to herself as she pressed her lips to his cheek and kissed it.

"Y-you look... You look very beautiful; I mean, you always are beautiful!" Juuse started to stammer as his cheeks turned a rosy hue. He truly was speechless and he was at a loss for words.

Y/N chuckled to herself before she grabbed his hand in hers and led them both out the door.

"Wait," Juuse pulled away from them holding hands and quickly grabbed his car keys, "I almost forgot to grab this!"


"Honey, are you feeling alright?" Y/N spoke up to clear the silence as they haven't had a conversation for the past thirty minutes. "You haven't spoken a word at all tonight."

"I-I'm fine," Juuse cleared his throat as he responded to her question. "I just have a lot of things on my mind, I guess."

Y/N nodded her head with uncertainty, unsure whether to trust him or not. But, nonetheless, she decided to drop any future questions she had and talk about other topics. As the evening dragged on, she had noticed that Juuse still wasn't acting his usual self.

"Juuse, we can leave if you don't want to be here tonight," Y/N softly spoke up as soon as she ate her last bite of the food she had ordered. "Does it have anything to do with the Finals coming up?"

Juuse meekly nodded his head, before letting out a sigh, "even though I haven't played a playoff game yet this season; the Pens won it last year and they're the favorites to win it again this season and-"

"I have confidence that you guys are going to put up a fight, tooth and nail, to earn the Cup." Y/N interjected, not wanting him to bring himself more down than he already was. "Yes, the Penguins are favored to win again, but you never know, the underdogs may win it."

"There is that possibility," Juuse nodded his head as he thought about what Y/N had just said. "Alright, that eases me a little bit. Thanks, Y/N, for those calming words."

"No problem," she giggled as she took a sip of her drink, "I don't want you to feel stressed or down ever."

"And it's reasons like these is why I fall in love with you more and more every day." Juuse chuckled as he leaned across the table and pecked her on the lips.

"I love you too, Juuse," she chuckled back as her E/C eyes looked into his clear blue eyes. "And, you're welcome." 


Ehh, the ending could've been better, I'll be honest about it. School is almost done for me, but I still have about 1 1/2-2 weeks to go, as I get out on the ninth. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the imagine; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later with a Dmytro Timashov imagine! 

- Priya 😀

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