Auston Matthews ~ TML (IV)

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Vacation in Monaco. (1185 words)


"What's up with Verstappen?" Seb asked the group of drivers as they finished training for the day; nodding his head towards the young Belgian-Dutch driver who was focused in front of the punching bag as a way of venting his anger. "He doesn't usually train with the bag unless something's bothering him."

Lewis whispered in Seb's ear the current situation with what Max was dealing with, to which, Seb reacted in an unsurprising way of shock and confusion

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Lewis whispered in Seb's ear the current situation with what Max was dealing with, to which, Seb reacted in an unsurprising way of shock and confusion.

"Max's childhood best friend kissed him after her boyfriend cheated on her," Nico started to recall what went down at the casino party, "and he kissed her back... Now, he's stressed about what he should do."

"Wait," Sebastian stood silent for a moment before he continued, "are you talking about the party from a few nights ago?"

The group of drivers nodded their heads and Sebastian continued speaking, "oh yeah, I did run into Max a few times and when I spoke to him, he didn't seem like he was having a great time."

"He did catch her boyfriend kiss someone else," Daniel spoke up, his Australian accent clear as he talked in a whisper. He was careful as to making sure Max didn't hear their conversation and immediately ushered the big group of drivers into a private room and shut the door behind him. "She found out herself by witnessing what happened that night. We got her and Max to meet each other and talk about it, but we didn't expect them to kiss!"

"How did her boyfriend take the news..?" Sebastian asked the question to which no one else knew the answer to. How did Auston take the news? Did he even remember the night of the casino party? Could he remember what happened that night?

"I... have no idea," Stoffel let out a sigh of defeat and shook his head, "I couldn't answer the question."


Max continued to punch the bag in a fierce manner, not caring if his fists were starting to hurt, but he had to find a way to vent his anger.

"Why did I do that?" Max muttered to himself as he punched the bag for the umpteenth time, trying to clear his guilty conscious. "What are we going to do about Auston?"

He stayed silent and continued to punch until his fists were aching and he decided to quit.

"Ik ben zo'n idioot," he mumbled to himself in his native Dutch, wincing at the pain of his fists.

"You are not an idiot, Max," another voice spoke up, making Max look up from the floor to be making eye contact with Y/N. He was shocked to see her in front of him, after what happened between them both, the atmosphere between was filled with tension and awkwardness.

"Y/N," he barely whispered her name out, his beautiful crystal blue looking into her E/C eyes, "it's nice to see you... How are you?"

"I'm fine," Y/N smiled for a moment before retreating to the silence. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Max shrugged his shoulders as he observed his bloody fists. He definitely shouldn't have overworked himself. "Listen, about what happened at the party a few nights ago...."

"It was totally out of line and I apologize. I shouldn't have brought you into this mess and I've been feeling guilty that I did." Y/N blurted out, speaking quickly enough for Max not to catch all of it.

"No, I should apologize for kissing you, you were in a vulnerable situation and I shouldn't have done something like that..." Max shook his head rapidly, his facial expression resembled a deer facing the headlights of a car. "...Did you tell Auston what happened?"

"Uh, no. I didn't tell him because he saw us kissing," Y/N cleared her throat and continued her train of thought, "he's flying out of Monaco in a few days on a separate flight. I'm still going to be here for a number of weeks until I have to go back to Toronto."

"Oh," Max nodded his head as their conversation headed for another lull.

"Ok, that's it!" The Honey Badger opened the door and the rest of the group stormed behind him. "We are all going out for dinner and we are going to resolve this issue whether you guys like it or not."

"My dear god, this is so familiar to the press conference a few days ago," Lewis mumbled to himself and shook his head.

Sebastian cleared his throat and played with the collar of his shirt, "I'd suggest going along with Daniel. Trust me, you do not want to see him mad and there is a reason his nickname is the Honey Badger. Oh, I'm Sebastian, by the way."

"I'd highly listen to Daniel," Stoffel nodded his head towards the Australian, who was ready to burst into flames if he was going to be challenged.

"Just give the dinner a chance and give us a chance," Nico spoke up, making Y/N sigh in defeat before she nodded her head.

"Alright, I'll vouch for dinner, but only because I don't want Dan to hurt any one of us." Y/N spoke up, which made the Aussie smile his signature smile.

Max rolled his eyes before nodding his head and followed Y/N's statement, "I'll go to the dinner, but also because I don't want Dan punching nor slapping anyone."

"Alrighty then," Daniel gave a thumbs up to everybody, "I expect all of you to show up at the dinner or the Honey Badger will come out."


"Y/N," Auston cleared his throat and nodded his head as he sat next to Nico, while she sat in between Sebastian and Lewis. "It's nice to see you again."

"And likewise to you, Auston," Y/N nodded her head back and decided to skim through the menu.

Daniel glanced through the menu and looked up at the group, "so, who's looking forward to the next Grand Prix?"

The rest of the group stayed silent, not wanting to cut the tension with a knife.

"This is the most awkward dinner I've ever been to," the Brit mumbled under his breath, which earned a nudge from Sebastian.

"I'm just happy to be out with my friends tonight," Sebastian whispered as he took a sip of his drink. Stoffel nodded his head and agreed with Sebastian's statement.

"As long as nothing bad happens, I think this dinner is going to be fine."

And little did they know that the dinner was going to take a different route.... 


Translation: "Ik ben zo'n idioot." - "I am such an idiot."

Hi! I'm back with the 4th update of the NHL and Formula 1 multi-parter and I think there are going to be a few more parts to this series, I'm not sure how many, but there are going to more parts. How is the group of drivers (now including Sebastian Vettel) going to handle the awkwardness of the dinner and the current situation..? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the imagine; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!

- Priya 😀

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