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CDC has just won nationals and I honestly couldn't be happier. But I know I can't keep dancing with them since my mom recently got remarried and my stepdad abuses me so much that the cuts and bruises are difficult to hide. He also spends all our money on alcohol and cigarettes so my mom can't really afford for me and Abbey to dance anymore. Tomorrow we have a party to celebrate our nationals win, so I have to tell Allain that won't be attending the studio anymore. I'm dreading this party, I really am. Shame for me it's time for bed. I say good night to everyone and run up to my bedroom and get into my comfy bed.

Before I know it it's morning and it's time to get up. I get up, have a shower and get changed. Then I walk out of the bathroom and hear some sobbing coming from Abbeys room. I walk into her room, close the door and sit next to her. She's holding her left cheek. I take her hands of her cheek and notice it's bright red, no guesses for who did that. I pull her into a hug and can feel tears on my t-shirt. I hug her tighter until I hear the door opening. I turn my attention from abbey to the door. I can feel her shaking like crazy.
"BRIAR!!!" I hear a loud (terrifying) booming voice shout
"Y-ye-yes?" I reply in a terrified whisper
"Speak up girl, What are you doing, you need to go to the shop and get me some milk!" He screams at me
"Ye-yes." I say a bit louder and run out the room. I grab some money and run out the house to the nearest shop. I walk out the shop and run home. A car drives past and beeps at me. I stop and look and see Myles pull over. I walk towards his car and he winds the window down.
"You ok babe?" He asks looking worried
"Yeah, yeah." I say panting
"Do you need a lift or anything?" He asks
"N-no thank you." I say with a weak smile. Myles has never been over my house before. He's invited me to his but because of my stupid step-father I've had to decline each time. We haven't even kissed yet, and we've been in a relationship for almost a year.
"Sure?" He says looking even more worried
"Yeah I'm sure, thank you anyways," I say with another weak smile. Then I walk off.

When I arrive home I walk through the door and quickly put the milk in the fridge. I walk upstairs and tell Abbey I'm home. I go into my bedroom and turn my tv on. Soon enough it's 4pm so I get changed (again) into my dress and put my heels into a bag. I walk out and meet abbey at the front door and we walk to CDC.
"Our last time here, let's make it count." I say with a frown
"Yeah, do you think we deserve better?" Abbey asks
"Better? What do you mean?" I ask slightly confused
"Like mom, she watches us every day being beaten by Kev (stepdad) and doesn't do anything." She replies
"She's scared Abbey, we all are." I say
"Please don't hate me, but I've asked dad, in secret, it I can move in with him." She says looking worried
"I will never hate you Abbey, your my sister. I love you." I say with a smile
"Will you come with me?" She asks
"I'll think about it Abbey. Dad lives 3 hours away, when are you moving?." I say and start to think.
"Tomorrow" she replies
We walk in silence until we reach the building. I look at Abbey.
"So this is it." I say and look away. I've made my mind up I need my dad.
"Abbey, I want to move with you." I say and look at her. I see her smile and I hug her. We walk into the building, I quickly change my flats to heels and into the studio where the party is held. Myles walks up to me.
"Your look beautiful." He says.
"Thank you," I reply
"Babe can I talk to you?" He asks
"Yeah," I respond and we walk into the hall way.
"Briar, I'm really worried about you." He says and grabs my hands
"What, why?" I ask looking worried.
"Your not the same happy, confident girl I fell in love with. Look at us Briar, were 17, we've been dating for almost a year, we haven't kissed, not even a simple peck on the lips. You decline coming over my house every time I ask you over. It's like you're ashamed of me or something. I'm not really sure." He says looking really sad
"Myles I love you I really do, but I can't tell you why I can never do anything I don't want you to worry about me though." I say on the verge of tears.
"I love you but please Briar tell me what's happened?" I ask hugging her
"Myles, I trust you. Please don't tell a soul. I'm being abused at home, so is Abbey. This morning when I saw you I was buying some milk for Kev so I didn't get hit, I'm afraid of having you over because of Kev, I'm worried what he will do, I'm not allowed to go to friends houses. I'm leaving CDC," I say practically crying.
"Briar, you should of told me." Myles says squeezing me tightly
"Also Myles..." I say and he looks at me
"I'm moving in with my dad tomorrow. I won't see you again." I say and his face turns sad.
"I understand," he says and grabs my hand as we walk back to the party. We stand at the side and then I turn and look at him.
"What happens to us?" I ask him
"Briar I promise you I will visit you every chance I get. I promise." He says with a smirk and then he leans down and our lips connect... Our first kiss.
"Our first kiss huh," he says and I giggle and then it's time to go.
"I guess this is it, Goodbye Myles Erlick." I say and hug him
"Goodbye Briar Nolet." He says and we pull away from the hug and just smile at each other. I walk over to abbey and we walk to find Allain who was saying goodbye to everyone.
"Allain, we need to talk." I say
"Yes girls what can I do for you both?" He says
"Me and Abbey will be leaving CDC, we're moving in with our dad. He lives 3 hours away." I say and start to tear up.
"Oh Briar, just remember if you ever need anywhere to dance, the door is always open. I hope to see you both soon. Good luck." He says and hugs us and then we walk home.

So first chapter...
Comment opinions please

I hope to update tomorrow but if not, I will on Thursday. And that will be Briar and Abbeys "Moving day" 😉

Also please no hate about the stepdad. I have been through stuff like this.

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