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Briar POV
"Babe you were shouting yes, did you have a bed dream?" Myles says and pulls me into his chest.
"More like a weird dream." I replied
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked I thought about it for a moment, should I tell him
"I suppose. Basically you started asking questions about having a baby and then getting married then you got down on one knee on your bed and proposed. You had a diamond ring and everything." I said confused as ever. He pulled something out of a draw next to his bed and then said
"What like this?" And he got down on one knee took my hand in his looked at the box "Briar Nolet will you marry me?" And he opened the little box he got from his draw and inside was the most gorgeous diamond ring I have ever seen. He looked back up at me and my mouth dropped open, is he actually proposing or is it just a joke.
"Are you being serious?!" I asked with a hopeful smile and he nodded.
"Yes!!!" I say and he puts the ring on my finger and I just squeeze him tightly.
"Are you happy?"  He asks
"More toen happy!" I reply and give him a kiss lasting for about 10 seconds.
"I love you!" He says
"I love you too," I reply And stare at the ring. Gosh it was gorgeous and looks like it cost so much money.
"Please can we tell CDC about this now?" He asked
"Yeah ofcause!" I say and we walk out of his bedroom hand in hand. When we're walking down the stairs I felt a small person tugging on my arm, I looked down to see Kingsley, Myles little brother.
"Hello," I say and he hugs my leg I look at him and Myles laughs
"Kingsley get off her leg." Myles says and Kingsley lets go and runs upstairs. We get to the front door and Myles shouts.
"Mom I've done it!"
"Congratulations you two." She shouts back and we leave the house.
"Did you actually plan on proposing?" I ask
"Yep." He says
"For how long?" I ask
"I've had the ring for a couple of months but I needed to ask your parents for their blessing. So I'd say for about 3 months." He says and smiles at me and we walk into CDC and go to where rehearsals are.
"Hello Myles, hello Briar." Allain says
"Allain please can I be excused from rehearsal today?" Myles asks
"Why ever so?" Allain asks
"I would like to spend time with my fiancé." He says and smiles at me.
"Oh yes ofcause you can, but fiancé?" He asks whilst looking down at my finger and looking at the ring.
"You proposed?" He asks almost crying
"Yes," Myles says and Allain hugs us so tight we can't breathe
"I'm so happy, do you want to tell the others?" Allain asks and we nod and walk through into the studio and everyone stares at us.
"Now, I'm guessing some of you may be wondering why Myles isn't at rehearsal today, Myles you tell them." Allain says and everyone looks at us confused
"Me and Briar are engaged." Myles says and everyone screams of happiness and hugs us.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's up to Courtney if she posts the next chapter tonight or tomorrow.

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