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Briars POV
Everyone walked into the room where I was with Alicia.
"Oh my goodness!" My mom said with a huge smile on her face
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Abbey asked
"How old is it?" Kingsley asked and we just smiled
"What's his/her name?" Fran asked
"Meet Alicia Richelle Erlick, born the early hours of this morning." Myles said with a smile.
"She's gorgeous!" Abbey said looking down at her. My mom was crying.
"My first ever grandchild." My mom said with tears streaming down her face.
"Congratulations," Abbey said
"Would you like to hold her?" I asked Abbey and she nodded her head and sat down on the sofa. I handed her the precious little girl and just smiled. I looked around the room to see everyone's reactions and noticed Gabrielle and Myles weren't there...
Where are they?

Myles POV
When everyone was looking at Alicia, Gabrielle pulled me out into the hallway.
"She will never be as perfect as Clayton and you know that," She said fiercely
"What are you saying?" I asked looking a bit hurt yet confused
"Clayton is better than that... He's gorgeous... She looks like an alien, just remember Clayton will always be your first child, and that also means your favourite child. So you better start treating him like he is." She said and started to walked back in.
Did she seriously just call my daughter an alien?
"What did you just call my daughter?" I asked with an angry expression on my face.
"I called her an alien, I mean look at her and compare her to Clayton." She said and walked back in the room, I followed. I saw Briar looking at me with a hurt expression on her face. I sent her a reassuring smile and walked over and put my arm around her but she pulled away and sent me a 'what are you doing' sort of look and walked off.

I wonder what's up with her?

First I would like to apologise since this hasn't been updated in a while, I've been focusing on one of my other books, but that one is coming to an end and I've written the chapters for that ready to post.

Second I'm sorry it's so short, I may update again today but I'm not sure.

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