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Briars POV
"A little boy." The nurse says I smile
"I can't believe my first baby is a little boy." I say with a proud smile.
"You mean our first baby." Myles says
"No, you already have a son, so this is your second." I say in a duh tone.
"Yes but this is ours, mine and yours. This is OUR first baby." Myles says with a laugh.
"We should start thinking about names." I say as we walk out the hospital. We go to buy some baby clothes and a quilt, curtains and paint.
When we get home, Myles starts painting the room. He leaves 3 walls white and paints one blue. It looks really cute. Then he hangs the curtains up and puts the quilt in the cot. I can't wait for this now.
"Myles someone is saying hello." I say with a giggle as I can feel the baby kick. He places his hand on my belly and laughs. After a long day we decide to call it a night and get in to bed.
"Can you believe in 21 weeks we will have our little bundle of joy?" I ask
"It only feels like yesterday you told me you were pregnant." He laughs and we fall asleep.

20 weeks later (sorry for the time skips)
Briar and Myles are asleep in bed until briar POV

"Ouch," I say. Oh this hurts. Oh no it's getting worse
"M-M-Myles." I say quietly, since I don't scream in pain I whisper.
I shake him but he must be in a deep sleep. Oh no the baby is here. I stand up because my waters broke and the bed is soaked. I put my back against the wall and slide down it. I have never experienced pain like this
"Myles?" I say a little louder Myles rolls over to where my waters broke and half wakes up.
"Briar why is the bed wet?" He asks oblivious to the fact I'm crying in pain on the floor.
"Baby. Hospital. now!" I say and he wakes up. He only sleeps in his boxers so he got changed and picked me up and ran to the car. He held my hand the whole way to the hospital and carried me inside.
"My wife is in labour," Myles cries and then follows this nurse to a room and puts me in a bed. He grabs hold of my hand and I squeeze it. After 2 hours a nurse walks in and starts telling me what to do.
"Push," a nurse says so I do as she says and push. I keep pushing until. The nurse says.
"Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl." She says with a smile and hands me this beautiful little girl.
"I thought we were having a boy?" I say to the nurse
"We can only guess through ultrasounds." She says and walks off.
"Well, welcome to the world princess." I say and kiss her head.
Myles just smiles and I pass him her.
"She is the spitting image of her mommy." Myles says with a smile.
"Did you bring my bag with my going home stuff in and baby clothes in. I think there is a white baby all in one in there, so she can wear that." I say
"Oh I completely forgot, I'll go and get it now. Don't move." He says and runs off.

Myles POV
I'm going to buy some more baby things whilst I'm driving home to get Briars bag I stop off at a shop which sells baby stuff, I buy some baby clothes and some new bedding and curtains. I also buy some white paint. I quickly drive home, run up to the babies room open the paint and paint some love hearts on the blue wall, I change the duvet cover and change the curtains. I grab Briars bag put an outfit in for the baby and rush back to the hospital. I walk into Briars room.
"You took your time," she says annoyed
"I bought the baby some clothes for her." Then I pick up this outfit out the bag, it's pink and white. Briar smiles and gets ready to leave the hospital.
"What will we name her? We have a day before we have to register her." Briar says
"We will think at home." I say and we get in the car. We already have a car seat ready for her.
We drive home and start discussing names.


If you have any name ideas please feel free to tell me them (I seriously don't have a clue what to call the baby😂) I have middle name ideas just not first names.

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