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Briars POV
Me and Myles lie down. Me in front of him, My back on his chest. He just rubs my belly and we both just relax. Fran walks in and just looks at us with a smile.  We may or may not of forgotten to tell Fran about the baby and we also bought a house. She brings two fantas, one each, and buts them on Myles bedside table.
"Myles my family will be here soon." I say, My family and Myles family are having a meal together to get to know one another better.
"And we haven't told either of our families about the baby or the new house." I say with a smirk.
"We can tell them at dinner tonight. I think their here now anyways." He says and we stand up he kisses my belly and then pecks my lips. We walk downstairs and I walk over to Abbey and give her a hug. Then walk to the dining room table. It looks funny because there's 9 of us so they've had to get another little table to put on the end of the Normal table. We all sit down and Fran brings us a huge plate of lasagne each. Myles looks at me and gives me the look of 'should we tell them' I nod and then he says
"We have an announcement to make," he says, grabs my hand and stands up. "Briar is pregnant and we've bought a house and moving in tomorrow." Everyone looks shocked and then claps and congratulates us.
Abbey walks over to me and hugs me, "I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunty! Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" She asks
"No, I only found out I was pregnant today." I say with a giggle and she walks back to her seat.
"So Briar how does it feel to have a tiny human in your belly?" My dad laughs.
"The same as it always does." I laugh and smile.
"So my daughter is getting married, moving house and having a baby. I feel old now." My mom says which makes me laugh. "Myles you best take care of her because, she will become clingy and angry through the pregnancy, but she will go back to normal eventually." My mom says and Myles laughs
"I will don't worry, she's my queen carrying my princess." He says which makes me blush and my mom smile.

When dinner was over I kissed Myles and said goodbye. I'm going back to my dads to pack my stuff for moving. We bought furniture before hand, so it should be there already. When I arrive home, my mom makes me a hot chocolate and talks about how much of an amazing mom I'm going to be, but then she talks to me about how not all babies are successful, miscarriages can happen.

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