=>When I Get Home<=

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Kathy went home after her day's work and slumped on the couch. Her mum greeted her.

"Hey, how was your day?"

She smiled a bit. "Fine, mum. I waited a lot of tables today. And some people gave me tips for my performance."

Kathy works as a singing waitress in the Cavern Club. The pay wasn't as high, but enough for her to get by and help her mum.

"Oh, good to hear. Hang on, before I forget, I'm having an old friend over. Now she may bring her family as well, so I suggest that you go clean up for they may be here any minute.", her mum instructed.

She sighed. She had just gotten home from work and here she was, about to get ready for some visitors.

She made her way to her bathroom and showered, brushed her teeth and put on some decent clothes.

She applied some foundation, a little blush and some lipstick.

"There. That has to be fine.", she muttered to herself and as soon as she opened her bedroom door, a knock comes on the door.

"Coming!", her mother quickly made her way to the door and was met with a woman who was in her late 40s. A man followed behind her, who looked like a wealthy lad. Another man accompanied them, but he was far behind to see.

"Hello, Mary!", she greeted. Mary smiled and hugged her excitedly. Boy, were these two friends or what?

"Oh, Gina, I've missed you! This is my new husband, Samuel."

The taller man smiled and hugged her lightly. "I'm Samuel, Samuel Adams."

"I'm Gina, Gina Thompson." Kathy forgot that her mum doesn't use her dad's last name anymore, which is James, by the way.

She made her way downstairs and caught their eyes. "And who is this lovely young lady?", Mary asked.

Kathy smiled and introduced herself. "Katherine, Katherine James." Her mum noticed this and sent Kathy a glare, to which she just ignored.

Kathy still misses her dad, even though her mother hates him like crazy.

"Wait a minute, you're Kathy?!", she asked the girl, her eyes going wide.

Kathy raised her eyebrows and nodded. Mary was gobsmacked.

"I'm your Aunt Mary! We lived across the street for each other!", she practically yelled.

"Oh my gosh! Hi, Aunt Mary!", the girl replied after remembering, and hugged her.

"How's Paul?", she inquired immediately.

"Well, I actually brought Paul along. Paul, come over here.", she gestured for the man behind to come inside.

The two locked eyes and they were pretty sure both their jaws dropped.

"You!", they simultaneously yelled at each other. Their parents just laughed and giggled.

"You were the jerk that bumped into me!", Kathy reminisced. Paul smirked.

"And you were the dwarf from across the street!", Paul teased.

"Hey!", the girl whined, punching him lightly on the shoulder.

Here they go again.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now