=>Honey Pie<=

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The next morning...

The couple could be currently found snuggling with each other under the white sheets of their king-sized bed. They actually looked really adorable, since Paul wrapped Kathy in his arms like a big teddy bear.

Kathy shuffled in her sleep, making Paul open his eyes a bit, hissing as they adjusted to the bright rays of the sun.

"What time is it?", he groaned, turning to look at the clock at their nightstand. 7:30 is what it read.

"Oh, shoot!", he said, making Kathy shoot up.

"What?! What?!", she said, looking around until her eyes landed on the boy next to her.

"I totally forgot about the band's jamming session today!", he said, hastily getting up from bed.

Kathy just laughed at his antics, yet a little bummed that he was leaving.

She shook her head and raised an eyebrow, why was she bummed? It's just Paul.

Paul then stepped into the bathroom, opening the frosted sliding door that led to the shower, and hissed at the sudden flow of cold water upon his skin.

She groaned and went inside the bathroom as well to brush her teeth.

Little did she know that she was in for a treat.

"OH MY GOSH! COVER IT UP, PAUL!", she yelled as she hastily turned around to avoid the gaze the naked man was giving her.

"WHAT THE F*CK, KATHY?! DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME IN HERE?!", he said, frantically closing the sliding door.

"Well, it's your fault for not closing the door! Doors were built for a reason!", she said, turning around and walking towards the sink.

"Excuses, excuses, Mrs. McCartney.", he teased, smirking.

"Don't call me that. We're not married.", she said after scoffing at the lad.

"Oh, just you wait.", Paul muttered under his breath.

Minutes later...

"Guess I'll be fetching you here later, love. 4:30 right?", Paul said as Kathy got out of the car and off to work.

"Yeah, 4:30. See ya!", she said hastily, when Paul honked the horn.


"I think you're forgetting something.", he said with a smile.

"Huh? I've got my purse here. What am I missing?", she asked curiously.

Paul just shook his head, amused, and got out of the car. He walked towards the woman who had her eyebrows raised at him.


A pair of lips collided with her own and arms snaked around her waist, leaving Kathy shocked and wide-eyed. Seeing as it wasn't a simple peck, she subconsciously shut her eyes and moved in sync with the kiss.

Paul, being the tease he was, pulled away and leaned his forehead against hers, staring at her directly in the eyes. Kathy was still trying to catch her breath.

"See ya."

With that, he ran to his car and sped off. The lass was still dumbfounded at what happened.

"What the heck just happened?", she asked herself, then went inside the club. Her co-worker Cynthia smiled at her as she entered.

"Who was that? Your husband?"

"What?! No! We're not married."

"But you're engaged right?", she added with a smile.

"Um... yeah...", Kathy trailed off.

"You two look cute together. I saw what happened outside.", Cynthia mused, grinning, and heading to the back.

"We- we look good together?", she repeated. A blush formed on her cheeks and as soon as she felt it, she slapped herself and shook her head.

"Nuh-uh, stop it. You are not falling for this guy!"

No, you stop being in denial. It's pretty darn obvious!

She sighed and continued her work.

"I guess I do like him, as well. F*ck!"

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now