=>Nowhere Man<=

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The couple started getting ready to visit Mary at the hospital. When they were finished preparing, they walked towards their car. No one said a word as they drove off.

Occasionally, when the stoplight turns red, Paul would hit the brakes and stare at the distance, with his bloodshot eyes evident. When it's time to go, Kathy would have to rub Paul's back to snap him back to reality.

As they cruised the town, Kathy only focused her gaze on Paul. It was really obvious that he was broken; his messy hair, his disheveled tie, his pale skin, and his droopy eyes all screamed sorrow. It broke Kathy to see her fiancé changing.

The arc which read Maryland Memorial Hospital came into view, and Paul took a turn. He parked the car, and still being the gentleman he is, opened the door for Kathy. This brought a small smile to her face, which quickly faded after noticing that he was looking at his shoes, shedding a tear.

As she hopped out of the car, she took the opportunity to embrace him in her arms. "Paul, please stop being like this. There is still hope for your mum." But he didn't respond, nor did he reciprocate her hug.

"I know she'll make it. She's a very strong woman, and I admire her for that.", she continued, pulling away and pecking him on the lips. But he still did nothing, but glance at her for a moment and plaster a fake smile on his face.

She took his hand and entered the hospital. As they came in, the sound of footsteps, beeping of machines and indistinct conversations filled their ears. Cries from children were heard, so were the groans from the people entering the emergency room. These were the reasons Kathy disliked being in the hospital.

They approached the nurse in the information desk, who was busy typing in her desktop. "Um, excuse me?", she tried to call the attention of the nurse.

"We're here for Mary Adams.", she added, and the nurse met her jer gaze. "Good morning, miss. She's in Room 32-B. It's just around the corner of the hallway here.", she pointed with a soft smile on her face.

"Thank you." They followed the nurse's instructions and soon found Room 32-B. As Kathy was about to enter, Paul resisted.

"What's the matter, Paul?", she asked, facing him. He shook his head and looked the other way.

"I- I think I ca-can't bear t-to see her li-like that. With wi-wires and all.", he said in between sobs. Kathy cupped his face in her hands.

"You can, because you're a strong man, okay? I'll be here holding your hand the whole time. Tell you what, you can squeeze it if you feel pain in your chest while looking at her. Do this for her, Paul. I'm sure she'd want you to see her.", she reaasured him. Paul looked at her and hugged her tightly.

"Thanks, love."

He knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, his stepfather greeted them.

"Hi, Paul. Hi, Kathy. Come on in.", Samuel welcomed them. Paul immediately rushed over to his mum's bed. She looked very weak, with some wires attached to her and with a breathing mask over her nose and mouth. The beeping of the machine and the ticking of the clock were the only sounds audible in the small hospital room.

"Mum! I'm here! I'm so sorry!", Paul broke down beside his mother, and the whole sight made Kathy and Samuel tear up, as well.
"None of this is your fault, son.", Samuel said, tapping Paul on the shoulder.

"You're right. It's yours, innit?", he said bitterly, clenching his fists and staring at his stepfather.

"Son, I-"

"Don't you dare call me son, 'cause you are not and never will be my father!", he said, standing up and striding towards Samuel. Kathy immediately went in between the two men.

"Paul, please! Please don't blame Samuel here. The whole thing was an accident!", she tries to calm Paul down, but his jaw only hardened at this.

"An accident that could have been prevented if it weren't for your carelessness! You knew it wss bloody dark! Why not be more cautious on the road, huh?!", he yelled, yet Samuel didn't say a word.

"You care only about yourself, jist admit it. You don't give a f**king care if we get hurt, dammit!", he continued.

"We were careful, Paul. I obeyed all teh stoplights, I made sure to slow down at every intersection, but that truck came out of nowhere!", Samuel started to raise his voice.

"Stop screaming at me about how I wished this to happen, because God knows I did not! I f**king love your mother, despite what you think! So stop being a bloody brat and grow up!", he ranted, making Paul's eyes widen.

"You bloody-"

"Enough!", Kathy yelled. "Both of you, stop it! You think Mary would want to see you acting like this?"

They both stayed silent, but their staring continued.

"Don't you ever talk to me.", Paul said, pointing at Samuel, then exited the room.

Samuel sat down on a chair, and ran his fingers through his hair. Kathy felt bad for him and hoe harshly Paul has spoken to him.

"Samuel, I'm sorry you had to hear all of that-"

"It's alright, dear. I'm already used to it. Ever since I came into their lives, he treated me that way. It just pains me to think that the more I try to reach out to him, the more he estranges himself from me.", he replied with a cracked voice.

"You better check on him before he does something stupid. I'll stay here with Mary.", he said, to which Kathy nodded.

She left the room and searched for Paul, but he was nowhere to be found. She tried calling him, but he couldn't be reached.

"Where is that man?", she muttered to herself while walking among the corridors.

She eventually found him out in the parking lot, kicking the wheel of their car over and over again. She ran to him and pulled him away.

"Stop! You're hurting yourself!", she scolded him.

"Maybe that's what I wanna do, genius.", he replied sarcastically.

"What is wrong with you? You keep on blaming your stepfather for what happened, when it really was an accident."

"What really was an accident is when he came into our lives. He should never have married Mum in the first place! All he does is mess things up-"

"You're being really unfair, Paul.", she cut him off. "He loves your mother, and your mum loves him, too. What haven't you accepted that?", she inquired.

"Go on, then! Take his side! I thought you being MY fianceé means you'll stand by ME! But ever since we went in that room, you protected Samuel! Don't you care what I feel?! No, huh? Well, I guess I was wrong.", he ranted as he raised his voice.

"What do you mean you were wrong?", she scrunched her eyebrows. She didn't like where this was heading.

"I was wrong in proposing to you last night.", he blankly stated, and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

"Wha- Paul?", she asked weakly, falling down on her knees.

"Does he really mean that?"

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now