=>P.S. I Love You<=

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4:30 P.M.

One woman could be currently found wiping the last table in the club. All her co-workers have already left and the owner was already closing the place.

"Kathy! C'mon now, you've worked hard enough. I'm closing the club now. Get outta here before I lock you up in here.", her manager jokingly said.

"Yes sir. I'll just put these rags in the-"

"I'll do it. Get outta here, woman!", he said, to which Kathy laughed at.

"Thanks, sir!" She took her stuff and exited the premises, waiting for her lovely fiancé to pick her up.

"Where is he? He said he'll be here at 4:30.", she said, growing a bit worried. What if something happened?

Just then, the familiar automobile came into view and parked right in front of her. Smiling, she immediately went to the passenger seat, when out came a young, red-haired woman who looked to be her age.

She was dressed decently, with bangs falling daintily on her forehead. She also didn't have too much makeup, which made Kathy wonder even more who she was.

"Bye, Paul. Thanks for the ride!", she said happily, but Paul stopped her.

"Oh wait, before you go, this is Kathy, the girl I was talking to you about.", Paul said, gesturing to his fianceé. The redhead met her gaze and smiled, extending her hamd to shake.

"Hi! My name is Jane. It is a pleasure to meet you! Paul wouldn't stop talking about you the whole ride.", she said, winking.

"Oh, really now?", Kathy taught to herself; a weird feeling was churning in her stomach at the moment.

"Nice to meet you, too.", Kathy said, returning the handshake.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have errands to run. Bye, you two!", she said, waving at the pair then walking away.

"Get in, love.", Paul grinned, and the lass did as told. She strapped in her seatbelt quietly and focused her eyes on the road.

"So, how's work?", he inquired. Kathy just nodded and looked to her side. Paul was puzzled at this, but concentrated on driving.

"Umm, everything alright? You seem awfully quiet right now, when I just saw you smiling as I parked infront of you.", he asked. Kathy just made a thumbs up, then back to her position she went.

The whole drive was silent, and ot was driving Paul nuts. He kept asking himself what did he do to cause this awkwardness.

What was actually a 30-minute ride felt like an eternity due to the obvious tension between the couple.

They finally reached their home sweet home, well, technically "home unsweet home". Kathy was still giving him the cold treatment, and Paul was really unaware of what he did.

He was about to get out of the car to open the door for her, when she got out herself and made her way to the front door.

"Hey, wait up!", Paul said, locking the car and following suit. Kathy fumbled with her keys, and Paul took them and opened the door himself.

She entered the house, and as soon as Paul locked the door, he grabbed her arm and twisted her, making her face him.

"What is going on?", he asked, fixing his gaze on her. Kathy rolled her eyes and struggled to get out of his grasp.


"Well, obviously it's something. So what is it?"

"I said nothing. Now, let me change."

"You are not changing unless you tell me what's wrong.", Paul persisted.

"Just leave me alone.", she said, finally breaking free and running upstairs.

Just as she entered their bedroom, Paul barged in and locked the door. Kathy gave him a menacing look.

"What is your problem?", she asked, raising her voice.

"What is YOUR problem? You've been ignoring me since I fetched you at work!"

Kathy still didn't reply; she turned her back on him, but Paul wasn't having it.

"Tell me-"

"I'm jealous, okay?", she bursted out. Paul just stared at her.

"Jealous? Of who?", he asked softly; a part of him already knew the answer.

"Of Jane, okay? There, you can make fun of me now.", she said, walking past him and fumbling with the doorknob.

Paul placed his hand on hers and Kathy stopped. He turned her to face him and their eyes met, both full of emotions.

"W- why would you get jealous?"

"Geez, I don't know, I guess the way she dresses, the way she handles herself, the way she smiles, the way her hair falls.", she ranted, ending her statement with a huge puff of breath.

Paul couldn't help but smile at her cute actions, it reminded him of when he got jealous of Richard, as well.

"But you have something she can never have.", he said.

She scoffed. "Yeah, like what? Ugliness?"

"No, dummy. My love."

Before Kathy could even process what he said, he smashed his lips onto hers again, and pulled her closer to his big frame. Kathy got lost in the feeling again, and wrapped her arms around his neck this time.

The kiss got heated and they soon made their way to their king-sized bed. (Nuh-uh, you filthy-minded people! Hahaha) They laid down and pulled away to catch their breath. 

"You're cute.", Paul said, stroking her cheek. Kathy smiled a little and hugged him, taking the lad by surprise but returned the gesture.

"I love you.", Paul said, not expecting her to say it back. He didn't want her to feel like he was rushing her.

So he didn't anticipate her reply.

"I- I love you, too."

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