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The two made their way downstairs, where their parents were already finished eating.

"Where have you two been? And why are you wearing another shirt, Paul?", Mary asked.

Paul gave a meaningful look to Kathy, to which she just shrugged off.

"Well, funny story actually. I was about to get the pitcher Mum was asking me to get when-"

"-when she saw me coming in and poured its contents on me.", Paul cut her off, making Kathy's eyes widen.

"What the- no, that's not what happe-"

"Kathy! How could you do that to our guest? I understand that you and Paul haven't been the best of friends back in the days but please try and be a bit more accommodating to him.", Gina scolded her daughter.


"Not another word, young lady. You will wash the dishes as punishment.", Gina added. Kathy didn't say anything for she was embarrassed. I mean, who wouldn't after being reprimanded in front of other people?

"Oh, Ms. Thompson, I would like to help Kathy clean up.", Paul told her sweetly. Kathy turned around and scoffed.

'So now he's sucking up to Mum?! The nerve of that little twat!', Kathy thought to herself.

"Oh, that's lovely Paul, but I think my daughter can manage.", Gina answered.

But Paul wasn't having it. "I insist, ms. Thompson. It's actually a good distraction for me."

Gina smiled, whereas Mary and Samuel shared meaningful glances at each other.

"All right, my dear. And just call me Gina."

Paul smiled and followed Kathy in the kitchen, where she was already halfway done.

He was just about to grab the sponge when Kathy smacked his hand.

"Ow! What's the matter?"

"That's for sucking up to Mum, and lying about what happened.", she said blankly.

Paul rolled his eyes and grabbed some of the plates to rinse them.

There was an awkward silence between the two.

"Why are you doing this?", Kathy asked the boy. Paul just raised his eyebrows.

"You keep annoying me. Aren't you tired of it? I mean, we've been arguing since we were kids."

Paul just smiled to himself and continued rinsing the plates. Kathy just sighed and resumed her work.

'Weird boy.', she mentally said.

They were finally done. Paul was wiping his hands with a towel and Kathy was putting the dishes in their respective drawers.

"See? Two heads are better than one.", Paul said, nudging Kathy slightly on the shoulder. Kathy just smiled a bit. They went back to the dining room to find them gone.

"They must be in the living room.", Kathy muttered.

Sure enough, there they were gathered and sat on the couch. Kathy found a love seat and sat down. Paul sat on the floor in between Kathy's legs.

"So, Paul and Kathy...", Mary trailed off. Kathy and Paul exchanged glances with each other.

"Yes?", Kathy asked. It was Mary and Gina's turn to glance at each other.

"We know how you and Paul have known each other since childhood.", Samuel stated. Paul rolled his eyes at his stepdad.

"How do you know? You weren't around back then.", Paul retorted. Kathy pinched him because of this.

"Be nice.", she whispered. Paul just rolled his eyes.

"You're both single, right?", Gina asked, sort of hopefully.

"Uhuh.", Kathy answered, anxious. What is this?

"We've been talking you see. And we really think you'd be a great couple.", Mary said, making Kathy's and Paul's expressions change.

"Hang on- wait a minute- WHAT?!" They both exclaimed simultaneously.

"So, Mary and I made a deal back then,", Gina started. " 'Cause we really want you two to be married."

That's when both of their jaws dropped.

"Are you kidding me?! I don't wanna marry him! He's a flirt! And annoying!", Kathy pointed to Paul. Paul snapped his head towards her.

"Hey!", he whined.

"No, it's final. You two are getting married.", Gina and Mary dictated.

"Why? What's the big fuss about us anyway?", Paul then asked. I nodded in agreement.

"Well, we think you're xute together.Though you always seem to go for each other's throats.", Mary responded with a giggle, which earned a laugh from Gina and Samuel.

"We also would rather have you two get married than have a relationship with someone we barely know.", Gina added.

"To be honest, I think this is quite unfair! We barely even know ecah other, less alone marry!", Kathy stood up. Paul watched her intently.

"That's why you'll be living with each other in the house I once bought outside Liverpool.", Samuel butted in.

This cannot be happening.

She stormed up to her room and let it all out. This was too soon, too sudden, plus she hated the lad!

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now