=>I Will<=

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"Paul! How dare you punch Bennie like that? You're acting like a delinquent!", she asked while following him. He continued to walk away, but Kathy still ran after him. She was enraged at his unruly actions.

They reached the entrance of the school. Kathy pulled his arm and Paul was forced to face her.

"Start talking!", she yelled. Paul had his jaw clenched yet his eyes weren't on her, but on the boy who also followed her as she followed him.

"That d**khead right there. You should get mad at him, not me.", he responded, still glaring at the boy.

"What is your problem with Bennie? He's done you and I no wrong!", she raised her voice, very upset with Paul.

"How could you not know? He's the one who's been spreading rumors that you... You...", Paul trailed off.

"That I what?!"

"That you have tend to 'go around' with the guys at school.", he finally said, and Kathy's jaw dropped. How could Bennie, one of her close friends, accuse her of such thing?

She stayed silent, and sat down on the floor, hugging her knees. She stared at the wall and she felt hee eyes welling up.

Paul noticed this and scratched the back of his head. He didn't know what to do: whether to let her be or to join her and comfort her.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now