=>Do You Want to Know a Secret?<=

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"What did you just say?", Kathy repeated her question for she wasn't sure if she heard it right.

"You heard me," Paul said, standing up. "I'm bloody jealous of John because he's always f**king here with you!", yelled the boy. This was the first time Kathy heard him cuss, and secretly, it turned her on.

"Why are you getting bloody jealous? I'm living with you for f**k's sake!", she said back.

"Well, you may be living with me but your attention is with someone else.", he said softly with a glint of sadness in his eyes. Paul sat back down and sighed, partly guilty at having yelled at the poor girl.

Kathy was still processing his words.

"Why in the world would he get jealous? What's the problem if my attention is with John? It's not like he wants it anyway."

"I do want your attention.", he commented, making Kathy blush a little because thinking out loud.

"Why? Just because I'm your fianceé?", she asked. Paul looked in her direction and met her gaze. He gave her a little smile.

"What do you think?" With that, he left the room, only to bump into his best mate.

"What the f**k, John! Were you listening the entire time?!", he yelled, and that made the older boy snicker and run for his life. Ah, typical John.

Kathy decided to doze off for a while just to clear her head.

"What do I think?", she muttered to herself. Soon, her eyes drooped and she fell into a peaceful nap.


Paul on the other hand was downstairs in the kitchen, eating some cereal. He reminisced what happened moments earlier and took another spoonful of the crispy bits in his mouth.

"Why is she being so f**king difficult?", he muttered at no one in particular.

"I mean, if I were she, I would go nuts over me. Who wouldn't, right?", he said cockily.

"But, she's... She's just... different.", he said before taking another spoonful.

"Ah, I'm going mad talking to a bowl of cereal. Stupid.", he said, rising up and finishing his food.


"Hi, mum. Yeah, I'm doing alright.", Kathy greeted her mum. It's been weeks since they spoke, and believe it or not, she kinda misses her already.

"Well, good for you. I miss you honey. i hope you stop by some time, you know."

"Yeah sure, mum. I'll ask Paul to drive me there.", she answered, her mouth forming into a tiny smile at the mention of his name.

"Oh yeah, I hope you don't mind but how's your future husband, huh?", her mum asked teasingly, making Kathy roll her eyes.

"All right, I guess."

"All right? Well, be more specific, darling! Have you two done it already?"

"What the- MUM!!! ", she exclaimed, causing a loud laugh from her mother.

"It was a joke, honey. Anyway, I better go. Work and all that, y'know? See you soon, honey! I love you!"

"Bye, mum. Love you too."

As she ended the call, she lay down on the bed and simply smiled. Paul came into the room, and though hearing the whole conversation, didn't say anything.

"Hey, um, wanna eat outside? I feel a little lazy to cook something up. ", he asked.

Kathy sat up and looked at the boy. "Yeah, that'll be nice. Give me a moment to change, will ya?"

He nodded and left the room.

Boy, this was gonna be an awkward dinner.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now