=>Oh, Darling! <=

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The next day...

The duo started to prepare for their visit to the hospital. Kathy started cooking breakfast, and Paul got dressed. He went downstairs and the smell of bacon and eggs filled his nostrils.

"Bloody hell, that's making me hungry.", he muttered, and hurried to the dining room.

Standing by the doorway, he saw his fianceé setting the table. She wore an apron and her hair was tied in a messy bun. Her cheeks were a bit rosy and her face was glowing.

He took the moment to let her appearance sink in. She looked decent, all right, but it bothered him how she could turn him on despite how fully-clothed she was.
"Paul, stop. She's mad at you. Try anything, and she'll smack you.", a voice in his head said. He blinked a couple of times, and entered the dining room. He walked directly to his seat and sat down.

"Good morning.", he greeted her, but she cocked an eyebrow at him.

"What's good about the morning?", she sassed, and Paul stifled a laugh. She was being cute.

"You are.", he said, immediately catching her gaze. He wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but he saw her cheeks turn rosier, if that was even possible.

"Shut up.", she tried to act annoyed, but Paul could see through her.

"Stop being cute.", he responded. She sat down after everything was set.

"I'm not. Now, eat or else I'll go to the hospital myself.", she ordered, and Paul grinned.

They both ate quietly. The atmosphere was awkward, well, at least for Kathy. She knew that Paul was staring at her while he ate, and she was uncomfortable with it.

"Would you stop?", she finally said. Paul pretended to have no idea what she was talking about.

"Haha, don't play dumb. I thought you said that I was a mistake?", she recalled, and Paul's face fell at this.

"I never said you were a mistake."

"Oh, let me rephrase that. The proposal was a mistake, am I right?", she stated, her voice starting to crack. He shook his head.

"You can't imagine how sorry I am for my outburst yesterday, love.",he replied, and Kathy looked away, crossing her arms and huffing.

He got up from his chair, and pulled it towards her. He sat back down and continued to gaze at her.

"Kathy, look at me." But she didn't comply. He sighed, and with his index finger, touched her chin snd made her face him.

"I know it was very immature of me to pour out all of my emotions on you. I guess with all that had happened, with Mum getting into an accident, I just... broke.", he explained, and Kathy's hard demeanor softened.

"But thanks to John, he made me realize how unfair I was and how unselfish I've become. I'm truly sorry, Kathy. Please forgive me.", he added, with his pleading eyes.

Kathy blinked a couple of times and sighed, bowing her head.

"I'm sorry, too. I made you feel like you had no one by your side-"

"You should not be apologizing, love. I should be the one.", he cut her off. Kathy gave him a small smile.

He leaned in and embraced her, and she reciprocated his gesture. Paul wrapped his arms around her even tighter and he buried his in the crook of her neck.

"But...", Kathy said, pulling away.

"But what?"

"I'm not the only one you should be apologizing to.", she reminded. Paul bowed his head.

"Yeah, I know. I'll try to apologize- ow!"

"Don't 'try'. Do it.", she said after pinching him. He pouted and rubbed the spot.

"That doesn't work on me.", she stated, smirking. He smirked back.

"Oh, but I know what does."

And he slowly started leaning in, making Kathy giggle.

"No, Paul. You'll make a mess here!", she mused, leaning backwards. But Paul still had that same sly smile on his face.

"Oh, would I?", he continued, making his voice as husky as possible.

"Paul!", Kathy screamed, and what was bound to be a peaceful meal turned into a heated make-out session.

After their little "moment", Kathy got up her hair now messed up, and her clothes all wrinkled. Paul on the other hand, mentally cursed himself for getting changed immediatly.

"Go get dressed, McCartney while I clean up here.", she said, tying her hair up again. Paul smiled and winked.

"Okay, madam.", he replied and got up as well. He left the dining room to go upstairs, not without pecking her on the cheek.

She blushed at his small gesture. The Paul she loved was back.

"Oh, McCartney."

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now