=>I Should Have Known Better<=

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John has been coming over for the past week, and Kathy was getting tired of all the noise they were making while in the basement. They seemed like they were rehearsing for something, but she didn't really care.

"John! What the hell?! Give me my phone back!", Paul's muffled yell was heard from the basement. Kathy, currently in the living room, just rolled her eyes. There she was again, watching her favorite TV show.

"Come get it, you swine!", John shouted back. By then, Kathy was on the verge of standing up and confronting the pair.

"Ugh, what is wrong with those lads? Can't a woman have her own taste of peace?", she murmured, sighing and slumping into the couch again.

She smiled to herself when the ranting below stopped. Finally, peace and quiet.

Or so she thought.

She heard the sound of something breaking. Something that wasn't supposed to.

"Oh shoot.", she cursed, standing up immediately and racing downstairs. She didn't bother knocking on the basement door, and stormed right in.

"What the hell broke?!", she yelled, making Paul and John whimper a bit. Her eyes made way to the broken pieces of a porcelain figurine on the floor.

She gasped in horror, and she made her way to the shreds of the figurine. She knelt on the ground and picked up one piece; her eyes starting to well up.

"John did it.", Paul pointed a finger at his friend, and John's eyes widened. "What in the world, Paul?! You broke it!", he snapped back.

The two started punching each other in the arm. Kathy just gazed at the pieces.

"Kathy, we're sorry. We were just horaing around when John accidentally hit the figure.", Paul apologized. John just watched the woman.

"What's the big deal about that piece of porcelain anyway?", John remarked sassily, and that was enough to make Kathy snap.

"You don't have the right to say that about this figurine, Lennon! This... this is the only remaining memory of my dad, who left my mum and I many years ago! This was the last thing he gave me since it reminded him of me, his angel!", she screamed. The lads fell silent. Paul was starting to tear up, while John just held his head in shame.

"You have no idea how it feels to lose a parent, Lennon. It's f**king hard! He was my guardian, my brother, my best friend, but most of all, my father. He was there for me every day of my life. When he left us for someone else, it felt like sh*t. That was the only piece that reminded me how much he loved me and cared for me. And now... it's gone."

Paul tried to make his way towards her, but she took a step back.

"Leave me be. I hope you're both happy with what you've done. Thanks to the both of you.", she said, her voice cracking. She stormed off and ran upstairs to the room she and Paul shared.

"I- I didn't know, Paul.", John said once they were alone. Paul just patted the back of his friend.

"I knew that her dad left them and settled down with another woman, but I didn't know about this porcelain figure.", Paul admitted.

John sighed. "What are we going to do?"

Paul just shrugged and sighed as well. However, seeing the shattered display, a light bulb ticked in his brain.

"I have an idea."

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now