=>You're Gonna Lose That Girl<=

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Kathy stood there in the rain, with Paul's words replaying over and over again in her head.

"I was wrong in proposing to you last night."

"Does he mean that?", she asked.

As if on cue, the rain started pouring. In a few seconds, she was already soaking wet, but she didn't care. She waited for Paul to come back and apologize for what he said. She waited for his tight embrace around her small frame. She waited for his intoxicating kiss on her lips. She waited for him.

But he never came.

Just then, an umbrella shielded her from the violent rainfall. Her head snapped up immediately, expecting her one and only fiancé there.

Instead, she was met with a pair of ocean blue orbs and a heartwarming smile.


"Hello. What are you doing here in the rain?", he asked.

"Oh, um, nothing. What are you doing here?", she evaded his question.

"I visited my cousin who works here. Her station is at the information desk.", he replied, to which Kathu just nodded at.

"You look cold, Kathy. Shall we go for some hot chocolate?", he offered.

"Oh, no, no. I don't have enough money with me-"

"It's okay. My treat.", he cut her off. She shook her head rapidly.

"Oh, no, Richard. It's too much-"

"I insist, Kathy. Now, c'mon.", he said m, taking her hand and leading her to his car.

"Well, okay then.", was all she managed to say after she wiped away her tears.

The ride to the shop was surprisingly fun. Richard told a lot of jokes which made Kathy laugh a bit. They also shares with each other some embarrassing stories from childhood. He really took her mind off Paul.

They reached the small shop and entered. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the whirring sound of the blenders filled their heads. The room was bursting wuth pastel colors and cute kawaii posters.

"Wow, this is cute!", Kathy remarked, and Richard smiled at her comment. They found a table by the window, and settled down.

"What would you like?", he asked.

"Just whatever you're having.", she answered.

Richard grinned and headed over to the counter. Kathy's eyes wandered throughout the small café and her eyes landed on a mini painting a couple sitting under a maple tree.

A jingle of a bell was heard. In came a tall man with moptop hair, high cheekbones, and crooked teeth, and was dressed in a suit and tie.

"Kathy? What are you doing here?", George asked the lady sitting near the window.

"Oh, hey George. I'm here with my friend-"

"George?", Richard came back with two cups of hot Belgian chocolate.

"Ringo? You two know each other?", he asked, pointing to the pair.

"Ringo?", Kathy asked. Richard laughed and put down the cups on the table.

"Yeah, it's my nickname due to my love for rings.", he explained, wiggling his fingers and exposing his gold rings.

"Oh.", Kathy muttered as she gazed at his jewelry. She wondered why she didn't notice them before.

"Take a seat, George. Let's have a chat.", Ringo offered, and George gladly did so.

"So, how did you two meet?", George asked.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now