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A few weeks had passed, and the two tried to get along like they promised. Sure, there were the occasional rants and arguments about petty things, but that was all, really.

"Love, I'm having a friend over in a few hours. Do you mind?", Paul asked the girl currently sat in the couch and seemed engrossed in some girly TV show.

Paul rolled his eyes. Women.

"Kathy? Hello?", he said, standing in front of the telly and placing his arms in his waist. Kathy's eyes met his.

"Hey! Georgina was about to teach me the hacks of using baking soda for my face!", she whined. Paul just chuckled.

"You don't need those hacks anymore, love. You're already pretty.", he complimented, topping it off with a wink. Kathy tried to prevent her blush from surfacing, but failed.

"Oh, come off it, Paul! What were you saying?", she asked, evading his comment.

"I said I'm having a friend over in a few hours.", he repeated. Kathy nodded.

"Gear! I'm just gonna have a shower. Wait for him, please." And with that, Paul left.

"Ah, finally! Me and Ms. Georgina alone.", she muttered with a smile and slouched in the couch.

An hour later...


Kathy was startled with a thump on the door. She was peacefully enjoying her cup of tea when she heard it.

"I'll get it.", Paul said, coming out of nowhere. She sat back down and resumed what she was doing.

The sound of a door opening was heard, followed by an ear-piercing greeting from the Paul's friend.

"MACCA!", he greeted. Paul grinned widely and hugged him. Kathy couldn't see who it was for she was in the dining room.

"Here, let me introduce you to the girl I've been talking to you about.", Paul said, and Kathy heard this.

'He's been talking about me?', she thought. That thought made her blush a little.

"Oh, keep it together, Katherine.", she murmured, rolling her eyes.

"Ah, there she is. Kathy, this is John Lennon. John, this is Kathy James, my-"

"You're fianceé, I know.", he cut him off, rolling his eyes, but Paul just chuckled at him.

"Nice to meet you, John.", Kathy stood up, making her way to the two. John just looked at her up and down and gave a small smile.

"Same.", he said, turning his gaze away from her. Kathy cocked an eyebrow. She didn't know if he was really this way or if it was because of her.

"Right then, come ed! Want a cuppa, John?", Paul offered his friend.  John sat down on one of the chairs and nodded.

"Right, I'll make you some. Chat with Kathy.", he said, rushing off into the kitchen.

Before Kathy could protest, there she was, left alone with a man whom she barely knew.

"So... how are you?", she asked sort of reluctantly, making John look at her and raise an eyebrow.

She put on a smile, but John just rolled his eyes at her.

"I'm fine, thanks.", he spoke blankly, and continued staring at the wall. She sighed and secretly glared at him.

She followed Paul into the kitchen and found him waiting for the kettle to whistle.

"Paul? I think you're friend has a problem with me.", she confronted him, making Paul turn around.

"Huh? What are you talking about? John's been very kind to you.", he said, defending his friend. Kathy just sighed.

"Really, Paul? Are you really gonna start now?", she asked him. Paul just scratched the back of his neck.

"Okay, okay, I noticed that he's a little distant towards you, but that's normal, love. He's just warming up to you, you know.", he stated.

"But he's being really rude, Paul! I tried making small talk to him, but he just doesn't like me.", she confided, and Paul just grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Look, Kathy. John's been my friend for years, now. And what I've obsereved is that it takes a tad bit longer for him to be cool with people. So, just give him time, hmm?", he pleaded, and she just rolled her eyes.

"Come on, love. Please?", he said, making puppy dog eyes. Kathy tried to stifle a laugh.

"Ugh, fine. Whatever.", she gave in. Paul smiled and pecked her on the cheek.

"You're the best."

He left the kitchen and joined John in the dining room.

"You bet I am, McCartney.", she said under her breath.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now