=>You Really Got a Hold on Me<=

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After a long drive, the couple finally reached the hospital Mary was staying in. As Paul parked the car, his gaze wandered off to the building, and his mum's weak appearance came into view.

He started to tear up again, but he didn't want to show it to the woman sitting next to him.

Unfortunately, she took notice of him, and immediately unbuckled her seatbelt and embraced him, though it was a bit uncomfortable.
Paul smiled a bit at this, and hugged her back. He felt lucky to have her by her side, and it made him realize what an idiot he was yesterday.

"I'm sorry again, Kathy."

She pulled away, and her confused face was plain to see.

"Y'know, for acting like a complete ass yesterday.", he added, and Kathy just sighed.

"It's fine, Paul. We've talked about this earlier already."

"More like we made out about it.", he replied, making her blush furiously and punch his arm, Paul chuckling in the process.

"Now, c'mon. Let's go visit your mum.", she said, kissed him on the cheek and hopped out of the car. His cheeks turned a shade of red, and he got out of the vehicle, too. They walked hand-in-hand to the hospital.

As they entered Mary's small room, they were met with 4 familiar casually-dressed lads, and an elderly well-dressed man.

"Oh, hey guys. I didn't know you'd come here.", Paul greeted them, and they all tried to smile at him, but they were all too upset with Mary's condition. Samuel, on the other hand, excused himself out the room. Kathy's eyes followed him, and as he left the room, she sighed.

"John told us. Why didn't you mention anything about your mum, Paul?", George asked, sounding a little bit hurt. Paul scratched the back of his head.

"I'm sorry, Geo. I just... didn't want you all to be a part of my problems. Especially since the band is not involved.", he answered, and George scoffed at this.

"Paul, is that all you think we are? Band mates? I thought you treated us as friends, as mates.", he asked, and Paul bowed his head. John stepped forward and patted George's back.

"Geo, you've got to understand Macca here. He didn't want us to worry about him.", he stated, and George softened, running his hands through his hair.

Stuart and Pete, though still staying silent, approached Paul and hugged him. Paul returned the gesture and thanked them for stopping by.

"No problem, McCartney. Hope your mum gets well soon.", thet said, and with that they waved goodbye to the others and left the room.

John was the next to embrace the younger lad, and Paul reciprocated his actions. They shared a tender and brotherly hug, and Paul shed a tear at the comfort his best mate brought.

"See you, Macca.", he said, then turning to Kathy, he embraced her as well.

"Glad to see you two made up.", he whispered, making Kathy smile. Paul brushed away all feelings of jealousy and just gazed at the duo.
"Well, I'm gonna pull away now. We wouldn't want someone getting all jealous, would we?", he muttered loud enough for Paul to hear, and the latter rolled his eyes at his comment.

"Bye, John.", Kathy waved goodbye to her newfound best friend, as well.

George was the last to stay in the room, and he had his eyes fixed on Mary. It saddened him how vulnerable she seemed.

Back in the day, when their band was just starting, they would practice at Paul's house, and Mary would always spoil them with delicious snacks to chew on. She also welcomed them whenever they wished to have a sleepover, and she was patient with them despite how noisy they were in her house. She treated them like her own sons, in short.

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