=>Tell Me Why<=

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Kathy and Paul were now 13 and 14 years old, respectively.

The little lady made her way to her classroom when she was blocked by a boy. She looked up at him to see he was smirking at her.

"What do you want, McCartney?", she sighed, not in the mood for his shit right now. He had some friends behind him, though she doesn't know their names.

Paul loved teasing and annoying the girl; he didn't know why. It seemed to give him this satisfaction, whatsoever.

"Nothing. Just wanted to annoy you, again.", he said casually. The girl just rolled her eyes. This was their routine everyday.

"Well, can you not today? I'm kinda... unwell.", she said sheepishly. Kathy had just gotten her first period, and well, let's just say, it wasn't going well.

He pushed her, making her back land on the lockers.

"Ow- what the f**k is wrong with you?", she told him, rubbing the back of her head. Paul made giant strides towards her and placed both his arms on either side of her, trapping the poor girl.

Kathy's breath hitched in her throat. This was unexpected. Her heartbeat was getting faster by the minute, anxious to what the boy in front of her was about to do.

"Unwell, you say?", he muttered.

"Pa-Paul?", she asked gently. The boy slowly leaned in, making Kathy's eyes widen in fear.

She was about to get her first kiss!

"Wha- what?! No! Get off me!", she said. But Paul ignored her.

She anticipated what was about to happen and closed her eyes, clamping her lips shut as well.

But nothing came.

Paul's lips brushed against her cheek, sending shivers down her body. Why was she feeling this way? Was it because she was scared, or was there something more?

"Get well soon, darling.", he whispered so softly it sounded seductive.

The other boys wolf-whistled at them and Kathy could feel herself turning a shade of red.

He pulled away and looked her in the eyes, smiling that adorable smile that made the girls in their school faint, and left with his friends.

The poor girl was left with her mouth open, still in shock of what Paul had done. Sure, he didn't really do anything, but the feeling he gave her...

What was that all about?

Just then, the bell rang. "Thank goodness." was all she could say as she lifted her weak knees and made her way to class, again.


"How was school?", Gina, Kathy's mum greeted her teenage daughter as she got home from school.

"Fine, Paul kept annoying me, as usual.", she said, rolling her eyes as she remembered the boy. She shivered at the thought of what happened earlier.

"Oh, James keeps bothering you, dear?", another woman spoke. But it wasn't her mum.

She looked up to see her aunt Mary, Paul's mum. She smiled shyly and nodded a bit. Mary just chuckled.

"Maybe Paul likes you, dear. You're the only girl he keeps talking to me about.", she said, taking a sip pf her tea.

Kathy was surprised. Paul was talking about her? Impossible.

"Oh, really?", Gina teased, sending Kathy a wink. The little lady's face was now flushed.

"Um, I'm going upstairs now. Bye, aunt Mary!", she uttered, before ascending the stairs in a hurry.

The two mothers were left alone on the couch.

"You know, they do look cute together.", Mary giggled. Gina chuckled in return.

"Yeah, I can imagine if they were to be wed. We'd be all squealing and giggling during the ceremony!", the mother of the little lady responded.

Suddenly, Mary's eyes widened. It was like a lightbulb was opened in her mind.

"Wha- what if we arrange them together? That way, they'll end up with each other.", Mary suddenly said.

"Arrange, as in arranged marriage? What if they don't like each other that way? Wouldn't it be unfair?", Gina told her. Mary shook her head.

"Nonsense. The way they look at each other is proof enough, for me. So, what do you say?", Mary extended her hand for her friend to shake.

Gina thought it over, and after a few minutes, grabbed her colleague's hand.

"I agree."

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now