=>Another Girl<=

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5 days before the big day...

Paul and Kathy were assigned with handling the invitations for the guests, principal sponsors, color scheme, giveaways, their wedding cake and of course, their wedding rings.

"Can we handle all that in one day?", Paul whined, and Mary rolled her eyes at her son.

"I know this stuff is a lot, but Gina, Samuel and I will be taking care of other major things, such as the flow of the program for your reception, the decorations for both the church and the reception venue, the photographer for your pre-nup shoot, and the videographer for your wedding day.", she replied, and Paul just groaned.

"Man, getting married is hard work.", he muttered, and Kathy giggled.

"Don't you worry. I'll have someone help you with all the planning. She's a very good friend of Samuel, and she'll meet you both at the reception venue.", she added, and the pair looked at each other, wondering who it was.

"Now, now. Time's ticking. Best be going on your way now. Take care you two.", Mary added, and pushed them out the door. Ever since Mary got out of the hospital, they've done nothing but plan the wedding at her and Samuel's home.

As the pair walked, Paul scanned the list his mother gave him one more time.

"Gosh, this is a lot!", Paul whined again.

"Well it's your fault for proposing to me.", Kathy replied with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I wish I could take it back.", he replied, pretending to be serious. Kathy turned to face him and gave him a glare, followed by a punch on the shoulder.

"Oh, really? Fine!", Kathy spoke, also acting to be mad, and stormed off. She knew Paul was kidding, though.

Paul smiled to himself and ran after her, and when he caught up, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, but she shook it off.

"Oh, come off it. It was only a joke.", he cooed, looking at her. But Kathy looked straight ahead.

'Time to play with him a bit.', she thought to herself.

"I'm not speaking to you.", she responded, earninf a scoff from Paul.

"You're speaking to me right now, woman.", he sassed, and Kathy just rolled her eyes at him.

They finally reached the venue and found everyone busy with preparations. Wow, Paul's mum sure knew the people for the job.

"Um, excuse me? I'm Kathy and this is Paul.", she introduced both of them to a busy crew member, squinting her hazel orbs at her fiancé as she mentioned his name. Paul squinted his eyes back at her.

"Mary Adams told me that we should be meeting someone here, someone who would help us with the planning.", Kathy asked one of the crew members.

"Oh, right! For the wedding, eh? Here, follow me. They're waiting for you both.", she replied, to Kathy's confusion. Paul had the same expression on his face.


Paul followed them and scanned his surroundings. The place was simple, yet elegant. Just the way he liked it. With a few more touches though, he was sure this venue would look perfect.

"Um, Mrs. Jones? Kathy and Paul are here to see you.", the crew member said to two ladies who had their backs on them. One was a brunette, while one was a redhead.

They both finally faced them, and Kathy had to control herself from cursing right there and then.

Of course, those red locks of hair were familiar.

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