=>I'll Cry Instead<=

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It was the day of her wedding. The day when she was about to get married to Paul McCartney. She sighed, she didn't want to get married to him, but she was doing this for her mum.

As she walked down the aisle, flowers were thrown above her head. Everyone seemed happy; everyone except her.

Oddly, her groom was facing the other way, so all she could see was his back.

'Strange.', she thought. She finally reached the end of the aisle. Her groom faced her slowly... revealing...

A donkey's head!

"AAHHHHH!!", she yelled, sitting right up. Paul's eyes shot open, and out of instinct, shot straight up, as well.

"I DIDN'T KISS HIM! I SWEAR!", he screamed. As soon as he adjusted his vision, he rubbed his eyes and looked at Kathy.

"WHY THE HECK DID YOU SCREAM?!", he told her. Paul was in the middle of a slumber that had his best friend in it, and frankly you don't wanna hear the rest of it.

But he didn't get any reply. Kathy was trying to stifle a laugh, but seeing Paul's face was enough to make her crack.

"What? Why are you laughing?", he asked in his morning voice. Kathy kept on laughing and laughing.

Paul thought her laugh was adorable, which made him crack up, too. Soon, they sounded like 2 hyenas who had a heck of a meal.

After Kathy calmed down, she wiped her tears and asked him something. "Why in the world did you say you didn't kiss 'him'?"

Paul turned a tint of red. He wasn't going to tell her that he just dreamt of his best mate.

"Uh, nothing. Go back to sleep, will ya?", he said, evading the question. Kathy rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Killjoy.", she murmured. She got out off bed and made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

She opened the closet to get some toothpaste, poured it on her blue toothbrush and started brushing.

As she turned around, she was startled to see a messy-haired Paul behind her, about to grab his toothbrush.

"Hmmly-mmmly!", she held her hand over her chest.

Paul looked at her weirdly. "What was that?"

She spit in the sink, and clarified her words. "I said 'holy moly'. You keep creeping up on me."

Paul just shrugged and grabbed his toothbrush, imitating Kathy's actions.

"Smmm, a wsmmsh shshsng shsht wsh cshssh gshsh fmmm-"

She cocked an eyebrow at him. "What?"

It was his turn to spit. "I said I was thinking that we could go out, y'know."

Kathy rinsed her mouth and spit again. "Like a date?"

"Up to you what you want to call it.", Paul answered coolly, but she could feel the tension in his voice.

"Where are you taking me?", she asked, wiping her mouth on some tissue. Paul just smiled and exited the bathroom.



"Paul, hoist it up, you bugger!", Kathy told the lad as he struggled to reel his catch.

"I'm trying, woman! Just, hush!", he said, trying to concentrate.

"Dammit, this fish is strong! We must've caught a bloody shark!", Paul added, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Kathy watched in anticipation. She has never experienced fishing before, so this was a huge eye-opener for her.

"Come ed, Paul! Reel it!", Kathy cheered on. Paul bit his lip as he shifted his weight on his other foot.

With one mighty pull, their catch was revealed: a gorgeous blue marlin.

Paul was astounded with the fish. He thought it was beautiful. He carried it onto their small boat so that they could gaze at it clearly.

"Wow! It's so... fat! Must have eaten a lot!", Kathy licked her lips in delight, thinking of recipes to cook the fish.

Paul smirked. "Thank you Paul for this wonderful catch.", he boasted, trying to catch Kathy's attention.

Kathy tore her gaze from the fish to the lad before her. "Are you here to gloat, Mr. McCartney?"

He sat beside her and put an arm over her shoulder, to which Kathy didn't seem too fond of. "Ah, you know me too well, love."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. And stop calling me love. It's... weird."

He grinned. "Oh, you like being called 'love' by me."

"Ew, no! Yuck!", she retorted. Paul moved closer to her, but Kathy kept moving away.

"Aw, come on. Why don't you wanna sit beside your husband?", he cooed.

"Hey, we're not married yet! So, I suggest you better- wha!" Kathy didn't have the chance to finish her sentence as she fell into the sea. Paul laughed hard.

"Take that, Kathy!", he said in between laughs, expecting Kathy to resurface and say something harsh at him.

Well, that never happened.

"Kathy!", he yelled. It didn't take him a second to dive into the water and rescue her.

Kathy struggled to get to the surface for air, but the weight of her clothes was pulling her down.

She was beginning to lose oxygen when arms were wrapped around her small frame and was brought to the surface again.

Paul lifted her onto the boat and laid ger down, listening for a pulse.

He felt nothing.

"Kathy! Oh my dear Lord, wake up!"

He began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, pulled away and pumped her chest.

Never had he felt more frightened in his whole life.

"Come on, Kathy! Come on! I'm not gonna lose you, dammit!", he said. After one pump, Kathy coughed up water, making Paul lean closer and cup her face in his large hands.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're okay, love.", he told her and hugged her tightly.

"I was-was out of o-oxygen.", she murmured, shivering a bit. Paul took note of this and immediately got out an extra shirt from the compartment in the vessel.

"Why didn't you reaurface immediately, lo- Kathy?", he asked her, almost slipping.

She bowed her head in embarrassment. "I- I don't kno-know how to swi-swim.", she admitted.

"Here.", he said, dressing her. He started the engine and off they went.

He sighed. 'I'm such a terrible fiancé.', he thought.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now