=>From Me To You (Pt.1)<=

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1 day before the big day...

"Really? You and Jane, together in one room, without you sassing her the whole time?", Paul asked incredulously, and Kathy just nodded with a huge smile.

She actually felt proud that she managed to befriend her ex-nemesis.

"And what about you? I'm surprised Richard took you out to drink.", Kathy stated, and Paul scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah. But me and John are still not on good terms.", he replied. The woman beside him sighed.

"I know Johnny-Boy. He may be like that, but for Pete's sake, he's your best friend! He won't be able to resist you.", she spoke, rubbing Paul's back.

"Yeah, you're right. No one can.", Paul answered, facing her with a smirk.

"And there he goes again.", she replied, rolling her eyes.

Paul leaned in and Kathy reciprocated his actions when they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Really?", Paul groaned. He got up to answer the door, with Kathy laughing as she followed suit.

He opened the door to reveal his beloved parents and to-be parent standing there with huge grins on their faces.

"Hello, my dearest son!", Mary greeted, attacking Paul with kisses on his cheeks and a bone-crushing hug. Kathy was definitely amused with what she was witnessing.

"Mom! Aunt Mary and Uncle Samuel!", Kathy greeted, and she welcomed them with a kiss on their cheeks.

"Come in please.", the couple spoke, and led them in their house. Their parents made themselves comfortable on the couch.

"Umm, what's the occasion?", Paul asked, confused to why they were gathered here today.

"Well, hello? The wedding? It's tomorrow! Just reminding you, lot.", Mary answered, and the rest of them laughed.

"Mary and I were about to take Kathy here on a girls' day out. Sam here will take you, Paul.", Gina added, and the pair exchanged glances.

"Besides, you two aren't supposed to be together the day before your wedding. It's tradition.", Samuel stated. The two mothers nodded in agreement.

"But, where will I sleep tonight?", Kathy asked.

"You'll sleep back in our house for tonight, dear.", her mother replied.

"We'll be keeping you company here, Paulie.", Mary teased her son, and Samuel laughed.

"Anyways, toodles! Go have fun, boys!", the older women said as they led Kathy out the door.

"Wait!", Paul cried out, and thet stopped walking. He ran to his fianceé and hugged her.

"See you tomorrow, princess.", he whispered, facing her and kissing her cheek.

He did not dare to kiss her in front of her mom.

"See you, my prince.", she answered, and giggles were heard.

"Stop being cute. C'mon!", they once again said, and off they went.

Samuel and Paul looked at each other and shrugged, laughing at the women's silliness.

"It's just you and me, boy."


"Where are we?", Kathy asked for the fifth time, and still got no reply from her biological mother and about-to-be mother. The two mischievous women blindfolded poor Kathy and led her to a strip club.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now