=>Every Little Thing<=

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As the pair waited for their orders to arrive, they surprised themselves for being civil with each other and just simply, talking.

"This is nice.", the boy said, after minutes of long conversation.

The young lady met his gaze. "What is?"

"This, y'know. Not up at each other's throats all the time. Feels good.", he commented, earning a giggle from Kathy.

Paul smiled. "You're cute when you giggle."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, that's the last time you'll hear it.", she added teasingly.

Paul pouted. "Such a shame. I could hear it every single day."

Kathy just scoffed as a way of preventing her face to redden. Paul smirked at this.

"Where's the food? I'm famished.", Paul whined, looking around for the waiter. The lady laughed at his childlike actions.

"Be patient. Such a princess." Paul pretended to be hurt, widening his eyes and dramatically placing his hand over his chest. Kathy tried to stiffle a laugh at this.

"How dare you speak to me that way you peasant!", he said, standing up, gaining the attention of the customers nearby.

"Paul! What the heck are you doing?! Sit down!"

"I will not stand for this disrespectful action! I'm a princess, dammit!", he said jokingly, making Kathy confused as to whether she wanted to leave or laugh.

"Sorry, everyone! Don't mind him please! Paul!", the lady grabbed his hand and dragged him down to sit. Meanwhile, Paul was laughing hysterically.

"What in the world was that?! Are you trying to embarass me?", she whisper-yelled.

"Chill, it was just a joke. You called me a princess.", he smirked. Kathy couldn't stay mad at him, so she burst out laughing.

Once she calmed down, she wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at her fiancé, who was already gazing at her like some precious stone.

"What?", she asked. He just shrugged. "Nothing."

Finally, their food arrived, and they spent the last minutes of their date with their playful banter.


"I had a really good time tonight.", Paul said, removing his coat as they entered their home. Kathy smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I did too, surprisingly.", she teased.

They sat on the couch, both exhausted from both eating and laughing too much. Kathy laughed as she remembered how Paul made a fool out of himself at the restaurant.

"What's so funny?"

"I can't believe that you embarrassed yourself in front of those people."

Paul smiled. "Well, you said you wouldn't giggle anymore. So why not make you laugh instead."

Kathy's eyes met those of the boy beside her. "Why do you keep flirting with me, huh?"

"You are my fianceé. Just trying my best to sweeten things up.", he said casually.

She blushed. Well, it's actually working.

"Glad to hear that.", Paul smirked at this. "Oh, um, I said that out loud? Shoot."

He lifted her chin up with his finger and brushed some of her hair behind her ear. Kathy just sat there, frozen. Like she was under his spell.

Suddenly, she felt his plump lips onto hers. One hand was on her waist, pushing her small frame towards him, the other on her neck.

She tried squirming out of his grasp, but something about this just felt, right.

Her right hand soon made its way to his nape and the other was simply placed on his chest, which was beating with excitement.

As their lips moved in sync, they were getting deeper and deeper into the kiss. Sparks were flying everywhere, and they felt as if they were on Cloud 9.

They soon had to pull away. Kathy gasped for air, and so did Paul. He rested his forehead on hers, smiling.

"I guess my kisses leave you breathless, huh?", he joked. Kathy just looked at him, still processing what happened.

"Wow.", she muttered. Paul smiled at her. They both sat there for awhile, clearly stunned at what happened. Kathy then yawned, so he carried her bridal style to their room and tucked her in.

"Goodnight.", he muttered. Just as he was about to leave the room, she grabbed his arm and pulled him down, kissing him again.

"Stay." He nodded and climbed onto the bed with her.

"Yes, my princess."

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now