=>I Feel Fine<=

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"Bye, love. See you later!", Paul waved to Kathy and drove off.

As Kathy made her way to the club, her co-worker nudged her and smirked.

"You two are adorable. When are you getting married?", she asked her.

Kathy's face fell. She never actually knew when he was gonna ask the question officially, and she never really thought about their wedding seriously.

"Um, I don't know. We'll see.", she replied. Her co-worker nodded and they went inside where they were met with the smell of alcohol.

"Time to work.", she muttered to herself.


"Paul! Get on with it, will ya? You keep missing the note!", John yelled at the lad.

"It's because he's in love.", George sang, which made the others wolf whistle.

"Stop it, eh? I'm not in love. Just thinking.", he denied.

"Thinking about your fiancee?", teased Pete. His friends laughed and Paul's face turned red.

"But I'll give it to you, mate, that Kathy girl is real fine, no offense or anything.", Pete added. The others nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm lucky to have her marry me.", Paul replied.

"But when will you pop the question? I mean, you are already engaged and all, but of course you'll have to ask her for real, ain't I right, boys?", asked John.

"Yeah, it must be pretty special in my opinion. You do like her, don't you?", Stuart inquired. Paul bowed down and scratched his neck.

"Ooohhh, he does!", George teased, garnering laughter again from the bandmates.

"I'll do it when the tine feels right for the both of us.", Paul said.

"From the top again, shall we?", Stuart spoke up. The lads smiled and prepared their instruments again.

"Okay, a-one, a-two, a-three..." said John.

Of course, Paul missed the cue again.

"PAUL!", yelled his bandmates. Ay, this was gonna be a long rehearsal.


"Bye, everyone!", Kathy waved at her co-workers as she exited the club. She plugged in her earphones and played "Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver.

As the song played, her eyes landed on two kids, a boy and a girl, chasing each other on the playground nearby.

"I touched the tree first! I win!", yelled the little boy, which made Kathy smile and chuckle.

"Aw, no fair! You always beat me because of your long legs!", the girl whined and sat on the grass making a pouty face.

The little boy approached her and sat down, as well. He stared at the girl for a long period of time before speaking up.

"I'm sorry. We'll play another game so that you get to win, too!", the boy said enthusiastically, making the girl shoot her head up in delight.

"You'd do that? What if you don't win anymore because of that?", she asked, cocking her head to the side.

"That's fine. I've won so many times so it's okay.", the boy replied. "Come on, let's play Hide and Seek!"

And the duo ran off in the opposite direction.

"Such cute littke kids. I hope to have my own one day. They'll be running around and playing like those two in our background; I'll be cooking meals for them and tucking them in at night."

Little did she know, Paul already arrived and heard her monologue. He wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth. A smile crept onto his face as he watched the woman gaze at the distance.

He honked the car horn and that made Kathy jump in surprise. "Sorry, got lost in the song that I didn't notice you've arrived-"

She was interrupted with a peck on her lips. "That's fine, love. Let's go home."

As usual, she blushed but tried ridiculously to hide it. Paul opened the door for her and off they drove to the roofed establisment they call home.

When they reached home, Kathy could sense that Paul was anxious about something.

"Paul, is everything alright?", she questioned the lad.

"Yeah, yes love. Why do you ask?"

"It's just, you're undeniably quiet today. I thought something happened.", she said, concern a bit evident in her tone.

"No, not at all.", he persisted. But Kathy wasn't convinced.

"You can tell me if something's bothering you.", she mused. Paul sighed.

"Well, I just realized this...", he trailed off. Kathy looked at him, as if saying to go on.

"Are you ready to get married, y'know for real?", he finally asked.
Silence filled the air. Kathy bowed her head and Paul couldn't meet her gaze, as well.

"Well, to be honest, I've never really thought about it through enough.", she admitted. Paul nodded his head.

"Yeah, me too. Downside of being arranged married, huh?", he replied, trying to lighten up the topic.

"But I do know that I like you very much. I just don't know if we should get married very soon.", she said, worrying that her choice of words might hurt her fiancé.

Paul smiled. "I like you very much too. I'll pop the question when the time feels right, yeah?", he said, holding her hands in his.

"I'd like that, Paul. Thank you for giving me time.", she told him. Paul leaned in and kissed her gently, her reciprocating the action. Afterwards, they shared a nice, heart-warming hug.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now