=>I'm a Loser<=

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"Hey, I'm picking you up at work today.", Paul reminded his fiancee, who blushed at his words.

"Yeah, you keep mentioning it everyday, how could I forget?", she said, giggling and rolling her eyes at the lad before her. He smiled at this and resumed fixing his tie. Kathy had enough and strode towards the man.

"What is it with you and ties? You can never get it right, it seems.", she commented. Paul just shrugged at this. "I guess it prefers you doing it."

"What, the tie?", she asked, raising her eyebrows at him. He nodded and when she was done, he kissed her forehead. Kathy's eyes widened in surprise, then turned her back on him swiftly, afraid he'll see the tint of pink on her chubby cheeks.

"Aww, what's this? Is my fiancee blushing?", Paul teased, following her. Kathy felt his presence behind her so by instinct, she ran away from her husband-to-be.

"What the- get back here!" Kathy continued sprinting away from Paul and ran downstairs and hid in their bathroom. Paul pounded on the door laughing, and the girl on the other side couldn't help but cackle, as well.

But Kathy soon felt anxious when Paul's laughter stopped. This could only mean he's hiding somewhere.

"Oh no. Sh*t, I'm stuck here.", she muttered. After waiting for a good 10 minutes, she slowly opened the door and peeked, searching for the brown-haired man. She got out of the bathroom and tiptoed through the corridor. Kathy made her way to the kitchen and found a towel nearby, so she grabbed it. Just when she turned around, she was met with a pair of brown orbs.

"AAAAHHH!", she yelled, whipping the piece of cloth on him, making the boy shriek in pain and kneel down.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so, so sorry Paul! You freakin' scared me!", she apologized, kneeling down, too to match his height. Paul still had his hand on his face, and kept groaning and turning away from her.

"I'm really sorry! It's my fault! Does it hurt that much?", she ranted. He didn't respond and just kept doing what he was doing. Kathy was about to stand up to get some ice when an arm grabbed her. Paul took this opportunity to tackle her on the ground, his hands on her wrists at both sides of her body.

"What the- PAUL! That was all fake?!", she yelled, feeling stupid for falling for his trap. Paul laughed and smirked at her, knowing he was on top.

"You never fail to be adorable, you know that?", he commented. Kathy kept silent and tried her best to hide the smile on her face, failing. "Yeah, whatever.", she replied.

He just grinned at her and quickly leaned down, kissing her soft, plump lips. They were both moving in sync and suddenly, Kathy didn't feel the rush to head to work; Paul didn't want to attend their band practice. They felt like they only needed each other's arms to live and continue existing in this world.

Every time their lips met, Kathy felt fireworks exploding with colorful lights in her heart; Paul felt dragons roaring and flying around his stomach. They couldn't explain it; for them, the kiss speaks for itself.

But the moment had to be ruined.

"Ew, what in the- PAUL?!? So much for releasing gas while making out!", Kathy covered her nose as she spoke. The lad erupted in laughter.

Guess the dragons had a bit too much, didn't they?

"Whatever, I'm heading to band practice. C'mon, lass. Let's head to your work first.", he gestured towards the door.

She smiled at him. "Remind me to never kiss you again. Your fart smells like spoiled brocoli with mayo in it."

"Like you could resist kissing me.", he said with a wink, and the pair left their home.

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now