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Present time...

Time passed. Minutes turned into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. The two children grew up, and much has changed about them.

Kathy's mum got assigned to another bank, so they had to move. Her parents got into a huge fight, which led them to have a divorce. She lives with her mum, though it breaks her heart that her dad will no longer be living under the same roof with them.

Paul, on the other hand, formed a band with his 4 other friends, John Lennon, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best. They weren't professional, and had no intention to. But they were able to earn something from their performances in clubs and ceremonies.

His family wasn't a happy one, either. His dad passed away when he was 16 years old, which led him to stay with his mum. Mary remarried 2 years later and settled down with a rich bloke named Samuel Adams. They left their old home and moved in with Samuel.

He didn't like him that much, but he would always put on a fake smile for his mum.

Kathy and Paul haven't seen each other since they were 14 years old, but all that is going to change.

As Kathy made her way to her part-time job, some idiot bumped into her, hard.

"What the- watch where you're going mister!", she scoffed at the man. The man scoffed as well as he helped her up.

"Don't need to be so snappy about it.", he murmured.

Her eyes widened. "So now you're the one who's tough, huh? Won't you even apologize for knocking me over?"

He rolled his eyes and gave in to the lady's request.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. There, you happy now?", he asked, bowing down to mock her.

She smiled proudly and said, "Yes, I am."

Something made the man smile as well. He couldn't place a finger on it, but there was something about this lady that caught his interest.

"I'm Paul. And you are?", he extended his hand for hers to shake.

"I'm Kathy.", the girl replied. Their hands met and they felt like time stopped. This seemed all too familiar.

Kathy scanned the boy's face. She analyzed his features and as she did, she couldn't help but admire his hazel eyes. God, were they beautiful!

He knew her, he just wasn't sure where he had met her before. She knew him as well, but wasn't sure, too.

"Well, uh, I better get going." Kathy was the first to break the silence. She withdrew her hand and Paul did, too.

"Yeah, me too. Sorry again for being a bit rude earlier.", he added, scratching his head awkwardly.

She smiled and replied, "It's all right. See you around!"

And with that, she turned her back on him, making some of her hair hit his face.

'That smell.' , he thought. 'Why does she seem so familiar?'

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now