=>This Boy<=

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After 4 days, Mary finally got out of the hospital, fully recovered. She immediately collaborated with her husband and Gina to plan the James-McCartney nuptial.

The agreed date of their wedding is September 5, which is a week from the present day.

"We have no time to waste! Today must be productive!", Mary remarked, and the other parents laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Now, here's our itinerary. Gina and I will take Kathy for the day, to try on dresses, pick the food and other stuff. Samuel, take Paul to the tailor for his tuxedo. You're also in charge of the wedding vehicle.", Mary continued, the rest nodding in agreement.

Paul aproached Kathy and whispered in her ear. "Excuse my mum for being excited about all of this."

Kathy met his gaze and smiled. "I think she's adorable and it's very generous of her to be doing all the planning for us."

"Well then, you two will surely get along.", he added, sending her a little wink.

"Hey, hey, you two. Come along now, Kathy. You lot can flirt later at your place.", Gina to teased, making the couple blush like crazy.

"See ya, princess.", Paul waved goodbye to his fianceé as he followed Samuel. Kathy blew him a kiss, and he pretended to catch it and place it in his heart.

"Young love.", Mary muttered, and Gina smiled.

They brought Kathy to the best shop in town to pick her wedding dress.

"No, that's too revealing, my dearest."

"Ugh, too conservative! Another!"

"I don't like the the sequins and the laces on this one."

"That makes you look bloated."

"What's with the huge belt?"

Dress after dress, she had heard numerous comments from her biological mother, and her other mother by law. There were actually ones which she thought would do, but both of them disagreed.

"Dear, you need to look absolutely perfect on your wedding day.", Gina stated, sighing.

"But she can't with all these lame choices. I thought this was the best in town!", Mary replied, huffing.

Afterwards, a saleslady came in to check on them.

"Any dress you like, madams?"

"To be honest, we haven't picked one yet.", Gina replied, and Mary did the same.

"Well then, it's a good thing I saved the best for last.", the saleslady responded, leaving the room for a moment.

She came back with a beautiful white gown which was covered with plastic for protection. The two women had wide eyes and grins on their faces, and looked at each other.

"Try it on!", they said simultaneously.

Meanwhile, Paul and Samuel had already reached the tailor shop. The young lad is currently being fitted, and Samuel sat back and watched his stepson.

"After this, we'll pick a nice pair of shoes for you.", Samuel said, earning a nod from Paul.

"Ah, what's the occasion again, sir?", the tailor asked. Paul smiled.
"Wedding, sir.", he answered, and it was the tailor's turn to grin.

"Ah, yes. A very beautiful event.", he responded, and he continued taking Paul's measurements.

"I remember the day I was married to the love of my life. A genuine beauty she was, yes. She looked absolutely stunning that day, with a young dashing man beside her.", Samuel narrated, making Paul's head snap up and watch him from the mirror.

"As your mum walked down that aisle, I had to stop myself from leaving my spot and running towards her to sweep her in my arms.", he resumed, chuckling in the process. The tailor smiled, and Paul kept silent as his stepfather spoke.

"When she was finally in front of me, my breath hitched in my throat. She was just... gorgeous. The priest finally told me to kiss the bride, and I slowly unveiled her. She looked at me, and I looked at her. It's almost as if we were frozen. Then I leaned in and kissed those lips... the lips of the woman I would be spending the rest of my life with.", he said, wiping a tear from his eye. Paul bowed his head down and smiled to himself.

"I knew that marrying her would result in being not only a husband to her, but a father to you, Paul.", Samuel stated, and Paul lifted his head to meet his gaze.

"I know that.", he replied with a smile.

As the day reached its end, the whole group met up at a restaurant. The women got there first, and reserved chairs for the men.

"Dress? Check. Cake? Check. Venue? Check.", Mary said, and the two ladies giggled.

"I can't believe we were able to tackle all of that in a day!", Gina exclaimed.

"Good thing we've got connections in this town.", Mary replied.

Soon, Samuel and Paul arrived. Paul immediately scanned the area for Kathy, and a huge smile was plastered on his face as he spotted her.

"There.", he pointed the table. Samuel nodded and they approached the ladies.

"So, how did you both do?", Gina asked. Paul and Samuel looked at each other and shrugged.

"We did fine.", Samuel replied.

"No quarrels?", Mary inquired, eyeing the two.

"No, Mum. We, um... actually had a good time.", Paul answered, and the ladies smiled at this, especially Kathy.

"That's great to hear. Now, let's order!"

They quickly got engaged in conversation after the waiter took their orders. They shared jokes here and there, and also narrated some past experiences, some which were embarassing.

"Oh my gosh, I remember one day when Kathy here went home, all flustered. I think it was back when she was thirteen.", Mary narrated, and Kathy's eyes widened.

"Mum, please don't.", she pleaded quietly, but that just pushed Gina to continue her story.

"She had just gotten home from school, and I got curious why she was acting so... awkward. So I asked her what happened, and if Paul was involved.", she continued. Kathy covered her face in her hands.

"Go on.", Mary encouraged her best friend, and Paul too was interested. He gave her a cocked eyebrow with a matching smirk.

"Her eyebrows scrunched up when I mentioned his name, confirming my thoughts. Knowing I would just inquire her again and again, she sighed and admitted that she had a crush.", Gina said, and by now, Kathy was mentally wishing she'd disappear.

"And any mention on this new 'crush' of hers, aunt Gina?", Paul asked.

"Well, why was she so flustered? Everyone has had a crush.", Mary added, and Gina just looked at her daughter, all red. Paul was amused at what was unfolding.

"She said she disliked this boy for a long time because of him teasing her every time they met, and was confused why she suddenly liked him.", Gina resumed.

"And who is this boy?", Samuel asked, but he already knew the answer.

"Ask Paul.", she teased, and all eyes were on the couple. Paul couldn't stop smiling at all that he heard. Kathy never admitted on having a crush on him as well.

"Aww, that's cute.", Paul cooed, and Kathy sent him a glare, to the entertainment of their parents.

"Ah, the food is finally here. Let's eat, people!", Samuel spoke, and the rest prepared their plates.

Paul watched Kathy from the corner of his eye, still sighing at how her mum had told everyone of her crush on Paul back in highschool.

"I never knew you felt the same way.", Paul said, loud enough for only Kathy to hear.

"Get over it.", she said, acting irritated. Paul just chuckled.

"Oh, I'll be getting over you later, love, if you know what I mean. ", he responded, with a wink.

And he managed to turn her into a tomato yet again.

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