=>If I Fell<=

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"Paul, what are you doing?"

The lad simply smiled and met the gaze of his friends, and they all nodded.

"1, 2, 1, 2, 3, ey!" John said as Pete clicked his drumsticks together.

"If i fell in love with you, would you promise to be true and help me understand? 'Cause I've been in live before and I found that live was more than just holding hands..." , the band sang and danced to the beat as well. Paul had composed this song with John the week before, and it sounded really great.

"If I give my heart to you, I must be sure from the very start that you would love me more than her...", Paul sang and winked at Kathy, making that latter blush at his sweetness.

Kathy just sat there smiling, as she listened to the song that the lads have prepared for her. She thought no one would remember her special day.

Her eyes were fixed on one boy in particular; she watched him as his hair flipped while banging his head, his hips as they wiggled to the beat, and his face as he sang the song like a real performer.

As the boys finished their song, Kathy clapped her hands and immediately stood up, hugging hee fiancé. The others instantly wolf-whistled and cheered.

"Happy birthday, love.", he greeted her sincerely as he pecked her cheek.

"Thank you, guys! I didn't know you knew my birthday.", she said, almost teary-eyed.

"How could we not know? Paul's been blabbering about it for the past weeks now- oof!", John was cut off with Paul elbowing him in the stomach. The others laughed at this.

"I think blabbering is a bit exaggerated, lads.", Paul said.

"Well, remember just earlier when he was ranting about the things being in their proper places and the venue being prepared and so in and so forth?", George chimed in. Paul just face-palmed himself, making Kathy smirk.

"Aww, you've been blabbering about it for so long now? So sweet.", the lady teased, making Paul turn a tint of red.

"Why don't we sit down and eat, yea?", he changed the topic, pulling a chair for Kathy to sit down. The lads chuckled and went back to their places, and began to sing one of their slow songs.

After ordering, they talked about the day's events. Then shortly afterwards, their food came.

"So, I was thinking about the marriage.", Kathy suddenly spoke up. Paul's head shot up at this.

"Go on.", he said, trying to keep himself from getting giggly.

"I- I-", she trailed off.

"You what, Kathy?", Paul inquired. The suspense was keeping him on the edge of his seat.

With one big breath, Kathy announced something that would bring a smile immediately to her fiancé's lips.

"I'm ready, Paul. I'm ready to marry you."

The band stopped playing, and Paul's eyes widened and his lips slowly curved into a smile.

"Are- are you serious?", Paul made sure. The woman in front of him simply nodded.

"But just yesterday you said you weren't ready-"

"I know what I said, but I've put a lot of thought into it. After all we've been through together, after getting to know you a lot, after this little surprise you prepared for me, I've fallen deeper and deeper for you.", she confessed.

"I know it's been a long time, I know that you've been waiting for me. That's why-"

She was so lost in her confession to the lad that she hadn't noticed him stand up from his chair and stride towards her. He leaned down and cupped her face in his hands, kissing the girl he had loved since he was a kid. He couldn't believe it: he was gonna be married, he was gonna be a husband. The others who witnessed this cheered and clapped for the couple. John was doing his best to fight back the tears for his best mate.

As the pair pulled away, Paul rested his forehead on hers, and they stayed like that for a while. Something suddenly clicked in his head, and he pulled out a small box from jacket pocket.

"Good thing I bring this along with me every time.", he muttered but Kathy heard it.

"What do you bring along every- oh my gosh!", she exclaimed as she saw the tiny red box in his hand.

"Is it what I think it is?", she asked.
"Only one way to find out.", he teased. Getting down on one knee,he stared her right in the eyes with a big smile on his face.

"Katherine Marie James...", he trailed off. Kathy was already tearing up. This was really it.

"Why are you crying? I haven't even asked you yet.", he said softly, making Kathy chuckle and wiped the tears brimminmg her eyes.

"Go on, bloody hell!", John yelled, obviously impatient. Paul turned around and gave him a death glare, to which John just smiled at.
"Katherine Marie James, would you be so kind as to accept me to be your lifelong partner in life?", he asked, holding the beautiful diamong ring in his left hand and Kathy's hand in the other.

"It would be my pleasure, James Paul McCartney.", she answered, and Paul slid the ring on her finger. The rest of the lads applauded and sang another one of their songs, I Need You.

"You don't realize how much I need you...", John sang as the couple hugged and afterwards kissed.

"This was the best birthday ever. Thanks to you.", she said, as they danced to the song. Paul wrapped his arms around her even tighter, and kissed the crook of her neck.

"I love you, Kathy. I hope you know that.", he responded.

"I can't wait to start a family with you, Mr. McCartney.", she said smiling. An idea sparked up in his head, and as he met Kathy's gaze, he smirked and whispered in her ear.

"Just you wait when we get home."

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